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Well, hello everyone


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I just though I would jump in a quick second and say hi. I talked to rhett, he wanted me to at least say hi a quick sec. So here I am. I basically left LF a while ago because I ended up joining a squad for Delta Force: Task Force Dagger and Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. I've been playing there ever since and I'm still a member (as many people don't think I somehow could be.) Trust me, I've had my rough spots as everyone else has, but I'm certainly one of the most respected guys inside of the clan. We all a great bunch of guys, we at http://www.kaboom-uf.com . So, I'll be going off now, and I won't be back for a while. With that, I say adieu, and my MSN is still pinsker@stargate.net if you ever feel desire to talk to me for some odd reason :confused:

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