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Placeable Objects Guide


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Start posting any placeable items for others and myself to use as a guide. here is what i have so far, most of them i am not sure on:


dan14aa_speeder.utp = dantooine speeder

plc_bench.utp = bench

plc_rubble.utp = a pile of rubble

plc_lndspdr1.utp = landspeeder

lndspdr004.utp = landspeeder

swpbike003.utp = swoop bike

backpack001.utp = backpack

plc_jnkswpb2.utp = crashed swoop bike

plc_oilpudle.utp = oil puddle?

footlker001.utp = foot locker

metalbox001.utp = metal box

dan15_starmap.utp = starmap for dantooine

dan15_compb.utp = computer

plc_rakatflg.utp = rakatan flag

plc_rneoblsk.utp = obliesk

plc_rnepillr.utp = pillar

dan15_compw.utp = computer

dan13_nemobody.utp = nemo's corpse

plc_rneoblsk.utp = obliesk

plc_pwrcond.utp = power conduit

comppnl001.utp = ?




k35_plc_utharcot.utp = Uthars bed

kor35_torturecom.utp = torture computer

kor35_medium2.utp = ?

kor35_medium3.utp = ?

kor35_medium4.utp = ?

plc_cjar2.utp = ?

plc_cjar.utp = ?

kor35_large2.utp = ?

plc_cagelg.utp = cage

plc_plstccrt.utp = Plasteel crate I think

plc_lockerlg.utp = large locker

kor35_duelcomp = dueling computer

kor35_duelconv.utp = ?

plc_bench2.utp = bench

plc_comppnl.utp = ?

kor35_mekcomp.utp = Mekel's computer

kor35_lashcomp.utp = Lashowes computer

kor36_medium1.utp = ?

kor36_medium2.utp = ?

kor36_archsite1.utp = ?

k37_plc_cold1.utp = pillar of cold ?

k37_plc_heat3.utp = pillar of fire ?

kor37_sithsarc.utp = sith sarcophogus

kor37_therangen.utp = therangen pillar

kor37_armdata.utp = severed arm with datapad

kor37_corpse.utp = corpse

kor37_firescene.utp = ?

k37_inv_statue.utp = statue

k37_plc_obelisk.utp = obelisk

plc_rub1.utp = ?

plc_rub2.utp = ?

plc_rub3.utp = ?

kor37_leverscene.utp = lever

plc_brokndrd.utp = junk droid

kor38a_corpse.utp = corpse

k38a_sith_sarcop.utp = sith sarcophogus ?

k38b_plc_console.utp = ancient korriban console

kor38b_urn1.utp = clay urn

k39_plc_pillar.utp = pillar

k39_sabersarc.utp = statue with the sith lightsaber ?

k39_plc_acidpool.utp = acid pool

k39_plc_starmap.utp = korriban star map

plc_gencrps.utp = general corpse

lev40_brigcomp.utp = brige computer on Leviathan

plc_wallpnl.utp = ?

lev40_barlocker.utp = Leviathan barlocker

plc_envrsuit.utp = envirosuit

plc_partpile.utp = parts pile


of course, I did get this list from a different thread, but I was hoping to start a placeable objects for new mods.

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If I remember correctly, the utp files are "instances" of the files found in the templates.bif file. When you're creating a new module, you pick an item off of the palette (which is defined in placeablepalstd.itp found in templates.bif). This item has a ResRef that "points" to one of the files under Blueprint, Placeables. One then "edits" the item as desired and an instance of it is the placed at the desired location in the module.


If you want to see what the base descriptions for Placeables (utp's), use Kotor Tool to open the placeablepalstd.itp entry in templates.bif. That is, go: BIFs | templates.bif | Item Palette then double-click on the placeablepalstd.itp item.

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