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i just started


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If you're talking about that you just started a new character ingame, then the only answet we can tell you is "money"


unfortunately here with money you will get almost all you want (and well, nothing different than RL) go to the mission terminals and get some missions to do (if you're combat) you will get some combat and weapon xp and some money, with money you will be able to upgrade your weapons, buy armor, clothes, food, vehicles etc etc etc, in the med centers the people can heal your wounds and enterteiners can heal your mind, maybe you will need to ask someone to teach you all the languages so you can understand everyone.


better if you just take the users manual and read it few times just like I did :p


and depending on the server you started you can try to get in touch with some of the people here :)

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bah, money isnt everything. being stronger than every one else is what matters. get kick ass armor and become something unstopable..like a teras kasi master....any way by the time you hit a master elite proffesion just go solo rancors. 36000 per lair.

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