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dual-colored saber?


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okay, i just finished reading suchan's lightsabre tutorial, and a thought popped in my head.


he said (near the bottom) that when hex-editing a file, you must change the reference to the "leaf", which has four references for a single saber, and eight for a double-bladed saber.


what if you pointed 4 of those eight to "blue", and 4 of those eight to "green"? could you get a double-bladed lightsaber that has a blue end and a green end?


that would be awesome.

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Originally posted by dj_owen



i think that might be the first time that one of my ideas has actually worked!


T7, could you explian how you did it? imagine i'm very very stupid.


lol :) ok this is exactly what I did. I extracted the model for the blue double bladed saber(w_dblsbr_001.mdl+w_dblsbr_001.mdx)

To override Then I opened the .mdl with a hex editor I scrolled all the way to the bottom of the file and found the fields that read w_lsabreblue01 (pointing to the blue texture) and changed the first 4 from the bottom to w_lsabregren01 saved the file, loaded KotOR and put a blue crystal in a double blade and then I was done.


the one's I changed were on lines


0000da70=w_lsabreblue01 to w_lsabregren01

0000b870=w_lsabreblue01 to w_lsabregren01

0000b2d0=w_lsabreblue01 to w_lsabregren01

000090d0=w_lsabreblue01 to w_lsabregren01


doing this will change all blue double blades so if you want it unique you will have to make a new saber uti, change the mdl number and have uti point to it. Im sure you know how to do the rest. If you have any questions just ask.


Cool idea , I never though of it. :D

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Originally posted by Hax0redCardz

Awesome idea... any chance someone can host a finalized version of a mod like this for those of us who are hex-editing impaired :)


IF you want the blue green double saber here is the one I did up click Dj_owen you could use it as a sample. I am kinda hoping you'll make a couple new sabers with this idea I know you are capable.


oh ya, unrar and drop both files in override :)

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Ok Here Is what I did with this Idea Dual Double Lightsabers Screen


OK this simple Idea took me 3 times as long to make that it should have. Sometimes I wonder wth bioware was doing. I was just going to edit each saber model, but for what ever reason the only Saber model that made any sense was the blue one. The others were uneditable(well you can edit them just fine if you want it to be one color)


I have also added modified JK saber skins to replace the defualt ones. Thanks goes to Jackel for sending those over to me. I had to add a core the the textures to make them look good in KotOR. IMO they are a vast improment over the Defualt textures.


anyway enjoy. :)

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