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Hey there, new player


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I got JK outcast last week, turned out my computer was'nt really the best for this kind of game. Since I can't play through it(it lags too much) I mostly just go to a fun map and spawn some lightsabre enemy in an open area and duel. I'm wondering, is the lightsabre styles specialized, i. e is the blue defensive, the red offensive and the yellow 50/50? This won't be the last time you see me on this forum btw:)


Oh yeah, is there any way to change the model of the player in singleplayer? Kyle looks so ugly><

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The instructions explain it in full but, red is the slow but strong style, blue is the fast weak style and yellow is the medium style, they each have their advantages and disasvantages and some moves only work in some styles.


Oh and to change the player model just type


playermodel whoyouwanttobegoeshere


in the console, I'm not 100% sure it works as I havent tryed it with outcast, it works in academy though. the name has to be of an NPC eg


playermodel luke




playermodel jan


there are also many mods you can get from http://www.lucasfiles.com that would do the job (and would work in the cut sceens).


hope that helps.

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Well, that would be a solution. My current compy is a pentium II 450 MHZ 256 mb ram with ATI rage pro(don't laugh), so I'd rather buy a new computer. There comes the problem. I'm only 14, and i only have like 140$(my life savings). In addition to that, I have cheap parents:)

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