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Need help -- DS Carth Romance Ending Mod


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I'm trying to bring back the cut-out dialogues from the famous "Kill Carth" conversation on the Star Forge. So far I've changed the sta_carth.dlg file so that he will say the stuff about loving you, and you are given the option of killing Bastila.


Well, here's the problem: when Bastila turns hostile, I drop out of the conversation, and kill her, I can't talk to Carth again -- trying to talk to him will only get him to turn to me and do nothing. I've tried splitting up sta_carth.dlg into two parts; before Bastila goes hostile and after she gets killed, and attached a script to Bastila's OnDeath to initiate the new 2nd dialog file with Carth, called sta_carth2.dlg. Still no luck.


I've already updated the User Def Struct values to fit with the new Field Indexes in both sta_carth.dlg and sta_carth2.dlg, and changed the Index values (Index as in Active, Index, IsChild) of the dialogs to point to the new Field Indexes. What am I doing wrong? Is there any way to do this without splitting the dialog file?

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Nevermind, I took a look at the StartingList of sta_carth.dlg and found that Carth's talking after Bastila's death is activated by a script called k_ptsa_carthrom4. Silly me... didn't have to split up the dialog in the first place. The script's in there, but I don't think it actually has anything inside.

Being a complete scripting neophyte, how would I go about writing a script that would trigger an entry in the StartingList of a conversation?

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