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My mod site is now open come and get e'm


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Get my kotor mods here







I removed light & dark side restrictions I had in place to prevent any upset people, also removed the required restriction for heavy armour feat for my masks everyone can wear them.


I will not email my mods to anyone, so don’t ask!!!!


I took the time to make a site to distribute these mods. These are all new items in the game and you can either cheat to get them or download all the mods in one zip and start a new game to receive my mods as well as some other fun toys :) from trask


If you want you can download each mod in a separate zip or get them all together


UPDATE: 04/ 13 /04


I have removed the over kill stats on the LOTF and FOH they where far to powerful,

and have added the light and dark side restrictions again.




LIGHT OF THE FORCE: ?id=4332602&outx=299&oq=0


Light of the force will enhance the users pool of Jedi force power while obtaining greater control over their mind preventing outside influence from other force users and granting light saber mastery.


The updated stats are


Alignment Limitation light Side

Attack Bonus 2

Regeneration 2

Attribute Bonus Strength Bonus +2

Attribute Bonus Dexterity Bonus +4

Attribute Bonus Wisdom Bonus +4

Bonus Feat Jedi Defense

Bonus Feat Advanced Jedi Defense

Bonus Feat Master Jedi Defense

Bonus Feat Weapon Focus: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Force Jump

Bonus Feat Improved Force Jump

Bonus Feat Master Force Jump

Immunity Mind-Affecting

Immunity Fear

Immunity Paralysis

Regeneration Force Points 1





These gauntlets give force users mastery of melee weapons and

lightsabers with added strength.

While healing their wounds and regenerating force powers

at an unbelievable rate.


update I have removed all the ranged feats for these




Attribute Bonus Strength Bonus +6

Attribute Bonus Dexterity Bonus +4

Attribute Bonus Wisdom Bonus +6

Bonus Feat Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons

Bonus Feat Weapon Proficiency: Melee

Bonus Feat Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons

Bonus Feat Weapon Focus: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Weapon Specialization:

Bonus Feat Two-Weapon Fighting

Bonus Feat Improved Two-Weapon

Bonus Feat Master Two-Weapon Fighting

Bonus Feat Flurry

Bonus Feat Improved Flurry

Bonus Feat Master Flurry

Bonus Feat Power Attack

Bonus Feat Improved Power Attack

Bonus Feat Master Power Attack

Bonus Feat Dueling

Bonus Feat Improved Dueling

Bonus Feat Master Dueling

Bonus Feat Critical Strike

Bonus Feat Improved Critical Strike

Bonus Feat Master Critical Strike

Regeneration Force Points 5

Regeneration 2



FUEL OF HATE: ?id=4332606&outx=299&oq=0


Fuel of hate is a dark side mask of immense power feeding off the users own anger it replenishes the pool of force power with great efficiency granting light saber mastery


The updated stats are



Alignment Limitation darkside

Attack Bonus 2

Attribute Bonus Strength Bonus +4

Attribute Bonus Dexterity Bonus +4

Bonus Feat Jedi Defense

Bonus Feat Advanced Jedi Defense

Bonus Feat Master Jedi Defense

Bonus Feat Weapon Focus: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Force Jump

Bonus Feat Improved Force Jump

Bonus Feat Master Force Jump

Immunity Mind-Affecting

Immunity Fear

Immunity Paralysis

Regeneration Force Points 3


I would like feed back, let me know what you think. And most of all enjoy these mods. I had fun making the site and the mods I have a few in progresses that should be up by Sunday the latest. I will add them to the all in 1 file as well.


Happy Easter everyone !!! svösh

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I noticed that many people have been asking for over kill stats on custom stuff and I took it apon my self to make a few. As I stated before. If you want to change any thing go ahead. I personally have much lower stats on all of my mods in game as well as light and dark side restriction except for when I took the screen shots for my web site.



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Ok I have fully completed the construction of my site and all the files are available for download , if any one downloaded my mods today please delete them and re download again I’m sorry but I found a glitch or two in the ones I had all ready up loaded . But on a brighter note all the files are complete now all the icon s work and I hope you all enjoy


final two mods uploaded



enhanced sith mask ?id=4346030&outx=401&oq=0


An enhanced version of it's predecessor the sith mask

It will enhance the focus of the user granting master

Force focus and light saber mastery



Bonus Feat Weapon Focus: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber

Bonus Feat Force Focus

Bonus Feat Improved Force

Bonus Feat Master Force

Immunity Mind-Affecting

Regeneration Force Points 2




Sure shot gauntlets


These gauntlets give ranged weapon users the added edge

over the competition. Granting all standard ranged feats

as well as some bonuses.



Regeneration 2

Attribute Bonus Strength Bonus +4

Attribute Bonus Dexterity Bonus +4

Bonus Feat Rapid Shot

Bonus Feat Improved Rapid Shot

Bonus Feat Master Rapid

Bonus Feat Power Blast

Bonus Feat Improved Power Blast

Bonus Feat Master Power Blast

Bonus Feat Sniper Shot

Bonus Feat Improved Sniper Shot

Bonus Feat Master Sniper Shot

Bonus Feat Uncanny Dodge 1

Bonus Feat Uncanny Dodge 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey there ive been reading this board for a while and decided to mess about with a few textures


i appoligise in advance if ive offended svösh by messin with his mask. heres wat ive done




svösh: if you want me to put in a link ill to a zip file with ur originals and my amended textures ill be pleased to, again i appoligise if ive pissed you off

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Don't worry I’m not pissed off *chuckle. As I stated on my site I originally made these for my self, to enjoy. But if any one wants to playaround with them go ahead.

I guess you didn’t like the stainless look…


Btw if you want a nice close up of the mask just start a conversation with Carth and when the camera is on him hit print screen. Then paste it to your paint program.

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