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The mask icons are in swpc_text_gui.erf > I > under ii_mask*, the actual mask textures themselves are in swpc_text_tpa.erf, you'll have to look for them as they're in no particular order, examples under swpc_tex_tpa.erf > I > again are i_breathmsk.tpc and i_vacuummsk.tpc, some are also masked as headbands, such as i_tetas_headband.tpc or i_verpHBnd.tpc, there's also various other icon sizes in swpc_text_tpb.erf & swpc_text_tpc.erf both all under the _I_ submenus. Hope this helps. ;)

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I was in a similar bind. I was using PaintShop Pro 8.0 (the latest version) but it would not save the files in the proper dimensions or resolution no matter what I tried.


When I reinstalled my PhotoShop 6.0 I have had nothing but success. PaintShop just isn't the right tool for the job, unfortunately, though a couple of people here have gotten it to work, I have not, and most use PhotoShop anyway.

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I was in a similar bind. I was using PaintShop Pro 8.0 (the latest version) but it would not save the files in the proper dimensions or resolution no matter what I tried.


I have the same problem its a shocking package when trying to do KOTOR reskins

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