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help: water-shader...


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I've tried to create a water-shader with the properties of glass (shine, transparent etc.), just as water.

So, my water got glass :/ it's solid and there are no plash-sound and so on. Perhaps, you may help me?

That's my shader:




qer_editorimage textures/matrix/water1.tga

q3map_tesssize 64

qer_trans 0.1

surfaceparm nonopaque

surfaceparm nonsolid

surfaceparm water

surfaceparm trans

q3map_material Water





animmap 8 textures/matrix/water1.tga textures/matrix/water2.tga





map textures/matrix/glass_shine3

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

tcGen environment




where is the mistake :confused:

Thanks. Greetz, SeRig (known as the German mapper 'Thrawn').

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Does the shader actually work? I mean can you see the animmap with the shiny surface on top of it?


If that's the case have you remembered to add your .shader file to shaderlist.txt; it needs to be in there otherwise the brushes with that texture on will not be compiled as water.


You should also add surfaceparm water in there; I'm not sure if it's deprecated now but add it just incase. Oh yeah and seen as it's water sort seethrough


Also remember to make a brush in system/caulk_water then texture the top surface with your shader - that's just to for FPS and so on but it's good to do it!

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