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Star Destroyer map won't work?


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i put the pk3 file in gamedata/base folder, the same place i put every tjing else. this map wont come up when iam playing multiplayer. i go to solo game then i look for the map but its not there. any help would be nice. heres the link for the donload if you whant to try it out too.http://www.jk3files.com/file.info?ID=23923


thanks for any help.

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Solo Game doesn't list Siege because bots are "not supported."


To use a Siege map in solo game, "warp" to it using the console.


(Shift+tilde to bring down console)


Then type:


g_gametype 6 (hit enter)


then type:


map mp/siege_destroyer (or siege_destroyer2 if you're using the asteroids mod)


And hit enter.


Then once the map is loaded up, go back to the console and type:


addbot stormtrooper 5 red (enter)


addbot rebel 5 blue (enter)


Two useless bots will spawn (jumping around like maniacs) and then you can join a team and play.



That's in Solo Game mind you.


To play it normally (on a created server) use the same stuff as above only now people can theoretically join your game and play alongside you.



If you're using Asteroids, remember that the two "space maps" are Team FFA maps only. Destroyer is Siege only.


Siege bots can be made to be somewhat useful in Siege with routing (for examples see Meatgrinder Redux server, IP in signature below), but Vehicle based maps will require some coding work, since bots like to leap out of vehicles right away, leading to early deaths.

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Oh, so that's how it's done. Figured they woulda put it in the READ ME file, but nahhh. Gotta depend on good ol' reliable Kurgan to come through :)


Sooooo now that Siege works....like what are we doing other than flying around and blowing up stuff? That's it?


My only gripe really is the ear splitting agonizing death cry your player makes when killed.


A simple 'Ah!' would have sufficed. Not the multi-syllabic:


"AAahheiiieeaaaarraahaaahhhhhh!" that the game gives.


You ever hear what that sounds like with headphones on? Sounds like a broken leg Wookie callin' in the hogs!

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Well Siege Destroyer is just like any other Siege map, one team has objectives to protect, the other team has objectives to attack and they fight each other in between.


The only difference is that you're inside ships for 99% of the map (the only time you're out is when you respawn in the hangar to choose your vehicle).


Asteroids Team FFA is dog-fighting but it also doubles as flight training. ; )

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Thanks Kurgan.


I've been d/loading and installing maps. If I hadn't read your post I wouldn't have found out how to load the darn things as there's no 'how to' anywhere.


Now here're some more questions:


How do I load 'asteroids' or 'dockingbay' ?


How do I enable 'cheats' in a solo game?


How and where can I spawn a vehicle to fly? Is it only in mp?


You know all the general questions us newbies ask.


Now if I can figure out why MP keeps crashing I'll be okay.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Reading is very helpful. Read the readme, read the objectives. READ.


Aside from sarcasm, TK the majority of 'readme' files are so half assed it's a bother to even use them. Often I find myself having to come to this valuable board and post to find out what is what.


This thread is proof of that. Kurgan had to show us how to load the danged thing. That series of commands aren't in the 'readme' file I've got.


Same with numerous other 'readme' files. Often the level of bad grammar and improper spelling makes one wonder if the file is programmed correctly.


We've got to stop this piecemeal way of developement and instruction. I would never hire a programmer who couldn't spell.


Some of these maps and mods are awesome but what's the use if you have to search for the Rosetta Stone to figure them out.


I ought to make up a map for the 'Indiana Jones' game where Indy has to search forums for ways to play pc games and add mods etc.

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Doesn't the map come with a whole guide to the siege? I thought it did. But if someone is so lazy they have to write up a question as "how do you destroy the shield and tractor beam" then let's be lazy like them. Lazyness I tell you! LAZY!

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For me I didn't need to read anything I figured if you destroy the Shield Generators the shield goes down.


And since the Tractor beam is behind the shield, if the shield is gone, then it can be attacked.


At least it seemed intuitive to me...


The rest of the stuff IS in there if you read everything, although loading up the siege map in Solo game and then spawning in some bots to test it out by yourself is something not many people know how to do.


Most people don't even realize bots are spawnable in Siege.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Kurgan

For me I didn't need to read anything I figured if you destroy the Shield Generators the shield goes down.


And since the Tractor beam is behind the shield, if the shield is gone, then it can be attacked.


At least it seemed intuitive to me...


The rest of the stuff IS in there if you read everything, although loading up the siege map in Solo game and then spawning in some bots to test it out by yourself is something not many people know how to do.


Most people don't even realize bots are spawnable in Siege.


Oh raspberries! Blowin' up the shield generator domes didn't do squat for the tractor beam shield. It's still there. That pinkish glow shield around the hanger stern section.


I'll tell you what Kurgan. You post the readme file you got and I'll post the readme file I got and we'll see if there's a 'readme' file gremlin around these parts :)

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Okay you got me there, the shields don't drop the instant the top two domes are destroyed, but rather when ALL the destroyable stuff on the outside (guns, com array, domes top & bottom) are destroyed.


My mistake, sorry!


Though I will say this, tons of players are confused about how to play Siege, even though they have only to look at the "objectives" menu in game and they'll see exactly what they're supposed to do and where. There are numerous other clues like Radar, damage bars, targetting boxes, etc.


It's nice to know ahead of time, but it's really not THAT hard to figure out is it?


From a Star Wars point of view, the main shields on the ISD are already disabled, otherwise how could you blow big chunks out of the hull with your puny fighter lasers?


; )

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Oh Aunt Bea's Bloomers!


I blew up everything on the star destroyer and the shields still didn't go down.


Blew up the shield domes, blew up the comm array, blew up the guns starboard/port/stern/fore etc.

Dome on the bottom too.


What's with the Millenium Falcon??? It just sits there forward and you can't do anything with it.

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Originally posted by Darth Evol Baby

Oh Aunt Bea's Bloomers!


I blew up everything on the star destroyer and the shields still didn't go down.


Blew up the shield domes, blew up the comm array, blew up the guns starboard/port/stern/fore etc.

Dome on the bottom too.


What's with the Millenium Falcon??? It just sits there forward and you can't do anything with it.


There must be some bug then...


You cant fly the falcon, the imperials are trying to capture it and they have it stuck there with its tractor beam, it cant move while it is under the beam therefor you cant fly it.

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