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More fun with this game

Darth Evol Baby

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I've been having so much fun studying how you guys make and have fun with this game.


Recently d/loaded the Millenium Falcon ship and by accident found a way to crash it in tact in the ground where half of it is above ground and I force push and pull it into enemies.


Also, using the Yoda mod in SP that takes the place of Luke. This was a freakin' riot. I spawned Yoda during the hoverbike race and during the ground fight I accidently force pushed him. Not paying attention I kept battling bikers when suddenly a bike hit me from behind. It was Yoda on a speeder bike!!! He kept chasing me around and then would go after other bikers! It was soooo funny to see this little elf dude ridin' a bike and killing people!


During the sand creature rescue, I kept spawning wampas to keep the sand creature off my back. Sure enough they would eat the wampas. So I spawned a rancor or two also just to watch the fun. Lo and behold one of the rancors pushes a wampa into the path of the sand creature that then ate the wampa! Then when I had a mutant rancor and two normal rancors running around, the mutant rancor snags a biker and starts eating him. I kid you not, the other two smaller rancors run up to him begging for a bite!!!


This game doesn't end with goodies. I'm really learning alot! Soon as I get the full deal on how, why etc. I promise to make some mods, skins, maps that'll knock your socks off.

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Indeed, the fun never ends. Try spawning the mutant rancor in some level... no that's what I call fun...


You know what's really fun? Spawn Luke and Kyle in the end against Tavion and watch them battle her. Kyle quite frequently gets his butt kicked. It's kind of funny, really... You can do the same thing in JK2 when fighting Desann - and on Jedi Master, it takes about 4 Lukes to get through it...

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