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Pause game but still be able to look around


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Hi all


Is there a way you can pause the game but use noclip or something to move/look around? I could swear there was something like it in multiplayer mode, perhaps in spectate mode.


Any ideas?

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Well pausing the game in MP would be a problem.


There's really no way to "pause" because you can't pause everyone else.


You can go into spectator mode (if you don't mind resetting your score) to look around. You can't use noclip unless you loaded the MP map with cheats.


As to SP there's a cheat to freeze the AI (you'll have to look it up, I forget the exact command since I never use it personally, like npc freeze 1 or something). But it won't stop world events, just makes NPC's stop attacking you/each other.

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Damn. I just thought it would be really cool if you could freeze everything in the game and then look around at everything, kinda like bullet-time photography only in real-time. You'd get some pretty wicked screenshots that way!!

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Originally posted by Quoffa

Damn. I just thought it would be really cool if you could freeze everything in the game and then look around at everything, kinda like bullet-time photography only in real-time. You'd get some pretty wicked screenshots that way!!

If your specifically after screenshots, then bind a key to thereisnospoon, to create that "bullet-time" effect.


Although this doesn't pause the game, you can still get some nifty screens of lightsaber duels. ;)

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