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Fighting against Disney!


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A lot of people have it out for Mr. Moore. I'm not sure why. I haven't seen many of his movies, which are supposed to be dishonest. But I saw Bowling For Columbine and it was amazing, as well as unbiased and well-resourced. I already knew about this news (supposedly the release had already been pushed forward until AFTER the election).


But I also think Disney isn't trying to prevent the release because they hate what's in it. Look at what happened to Disney when the Weinstein's produced Dogma, I think Disney is just trying to protect their company. Because it's true, if this movie came out under Disney tons of people would boycott and protest. I hope Michael Moore finds a good distributor to his film.

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You have a very good point there. I think I was taking this too seriously at first, I always do that when it's about something I care. And I really like Moore. Could be because his criticism isn't directed at my country.


I think that Disney should give up releasing the film so that Moore could give it to some other company.


Why did Disney even decide to work with Moore? Didn't they know who they were dealing with? :confused:


EDIT: Woo! I'm a henchman! :D

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