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.DLG editing - what am I doing wrong?


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Heh... as you probably noticed from the title, I'm having problems with dialogue editing.


I've got DLGEdit to work and I've linked all my entries and replies correctly. There aren't currently any scripts attached to them, but I shouldn't need one for the problem I'm having to fix itself.


The problem is that the new PC response isn't showing up in game.


I put my new file into the Override directory and loaded up an old savegame I had (I'm modding Malak's ending conversation on the SF, so I'm not particularly keen on starting a new game), but when I got there the cupboard was bare.


Could this be because part of that conversation had already fired in the savegame so the old version was somehow 'attached' to the save? I'm really not sure about why it's not showing up - all the signs from DLGEdit show that it's working perfectly, except for scripts not existing on certain lines - which I can fix pretty easily.


Or have I just hit some sort of bug with modding the last few minutes of the game, with all those cutscenes messing things up? ;) The relevant .DLG file is the only thing I've altered so far, so if something else is stopping it... eh.

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Yep, perfect sense.


Okay, I loaded up a different save, fought through hordes of droids and dark Jedi... and it glitched on me. Typical :rolleyes: Ah well, life is a learning experience.


Thanks for the help, I can now start fixing the bugs safe in the knowledge that I can test the darned thing :) Malak's skipping dialogue roots like anybody's business at the moment.

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Actually dialog files that are placed in the override folder should fire regardless of the state of your savegame. They are not stored in the savagame. And I am very thankful for it since dialogs often require quite a bit of debug.


Perhaps you have a script reference in the Active field of the RepliesList of the Entry to which you want to Reply? If so, and that script is returning FALSE, then you will not see the Reply option.


Of course it could be a number of other things. Usually running the dlg in Test Drive mode or by outputting the dlg to text file is enough to figure out what's going on. It's very easy to miss a script ref here or there or to mis-link the Entry->Reply->Entry sequence.

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