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How do u become a Jedi?


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I was just wondering how do u become a Jedi, i kno u use a holocron, but someone recently told me that becomeing a jedi is now quest based. Im guessing thats what this whole Jedi revamp is about lol....im so lost. I treied the TC jedi thing but they didnt make me a jedi.


O and one more thing.....are jedi's good for PvP, becasue if a BH can take them down it doesnt seem like they are. And if anyone knows the average stats on a lightsaber can u please tell me.




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Well, it is not quest based ... yet.

Not on the live servers anyway.


It is active, I understand, on the Test Center, however, only a select few hundred people have been handpicked to test it out for the team. They were picked over the last couple of weeks.


Wether these people have been notified yet I don't know, but the list is complete atleast. :)

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