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Voice Mod


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I'm working on replacing the ingame voices with my own, I'll voice Jaden Korr and put it up, but I want to add extra stuff...


like when you find the droid on the recovery mission, I want Jaden to say something as the droid rolls away, but I can't do that since if I try to add the audio to the part where he goes "You must be the droid we're searching for" the droid just stays there till he's done saying it. I'm going to follow that course, maybe make up my own lines for each scene, so it's not just me voicing exactly as the script has it.


So what do I have to do here? What's required? Help me out someone, please.

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Those are scripted events built into the map, i.e. when you find the droid, a certain line of dialog is triggered and a new mission objective is displayed. The droid doesn't move until that sound file is done playing. Then the droid is scripted to move to the elevator, etc. You would have to change the scripting for that map.


If you are using your own voice, why not just say your extra lines out loud to yourself as you play the game?

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