pbguy1211 Posted June 15, 2004 Share Posted June 15, 2004 yeah his nova was the killer. i just couldnt keep up the air and the aa he had so much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted June 15, 2004 Share Posted June 15, 2004 My troops chased his padawn all the way into his base where vostoks troops massacred mine.Ah yes, I had forgotten that bit. It was funny. My Padawan was running scared from an army of Super Battle Droids. Fortunately back at base there was an even bigger army of Royal Security Guards waiting to wipe them out. There's no doubt the holocrons won me that game. In fact in my other greatest victory over lukeiamyourdad, it was the holocrons that helped me in that one too... in fact if I remember correctly I was Naboo in that game too... I think I've finally found my civ to specialise in! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lukeiamyourdad Posted June 16, 2004 Share Posted June 16, 2004 Welcome to the club of holocron haters pbguy and saber Yeah you were playing the Naboo vs my Rebels. My casualties we're out of the roof because I could only churn out repeaters and aa infantry. Damn holocrons... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted June 19, 2004 Share Posted June 19, 2004 Anyone up for a game this weekend? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sithmaster_821 Posted June 19, 2004 Share Posted June 19, 2004 I probably could make it this Saturday (not making any promises), although cautionary word: Im so completely out of practice for this game, its not even funny. Im GMT -4, BTW. *runs off to try to remember build order* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lukeiamyourdad Posted June 19, 2004 Share Posted June 19, 2004 Sunday only for me. I have a birthday party I must attend on Saturday. You know where I'm from. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sithmaster_821 Posted June 20, 2004 Share Posted June 20, 2004 I may be free Sun, but I didnt say it because there was a better chance of being free on Sat, but, if we must do it on Sunday, Ill try to be there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sithmaster_821 Posted June 20, 2004 Share Posted June 20, 2004 I may be free Sunday, so if thats the day, Ill try to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted June 20, 2004 Share Posted June 20, 2004 Yep, Sunday's the day. 7pm GMT 2pm USEST Same bat-time, same bat-channel every week until we decide to change it. Hopefully we'll have a bigger turn out this week. I don't think I'll be able to beat saberhagen and pbguy again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted June 27, 2004 Share Posted June 27, 2004 Don't forget everyone, we're playing again at the same regular time this Sunday. Post here if you're going to try and make it so we know who to expect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted June 28, 2004 Share Posted June 28, 2004 i was just about to ask if we're on for tomorrow. i probably wont be able to play for a few weeks after tomorrow. so i'll try to make it. next week is july 4th, so... and the next weekend i'll be recovering from a hangover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majin Boba Fett Posted June 28, 2004 Share Posted June 28, 2004 i wont be able to make it tomorrow. vacation, ya know how it is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saberhagen Posted June 28, 2004 Share Posted June 28, 2004 I'll be there today, and Connemara might be coming too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lukeiamyourdad Posted June 28, 2004 Share Posted June 28, 2004 I won,t be there. Busy. Next week though, I'll be there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saberhagen Posted June 29, 2004 Share Posted June 29, 2004 Errr, so what happened last night? It's all a blur. I remember I fought long and hard, and lost. Three times. Even though we only actually played two games! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted June 29, 2004 Share Posted June 29, 2004 i still dont know how i won both of those games. i need to go back and watch the recordings at some point today. the first game was 1v1v2. me and saber were alone and vostok was on a team with saber's friend. you see, the problem with our games is this. me and saber are probably the 2 best. so we decide to fight each other generally first. because if we don't the other could get wiped out if our army is attacking someone else and we leave our base open to a full on attack from the other person. but the flaw in this logic is that while we're fighting, Vostok has gathered at least 3 holocrons and has gotten to T4 and maxed out his units already and is massing a rather large army. which if he's the naboo, generally means he's an air whore. self admitted at least. so in game 1 bombers and fighters after awhile took out saberhagen... he thought. oh yeah, saber's friend was gone at this point via me. as i tried to make a foward base on Vostok, waves of bombers and fighters came at me and kept knocking out my stuff. So finally I made like a 100 AA units, and some jedi and assaults. used the AA to get all his air, and then converted his air bases. mountie raids then killed the rest and he was pretty much done, but trust me when i say it sounds easier than it was. he took out at least 3 of my foward bases before i got him! so then i sold a lot of crap and got the spynet. and found vostok hiding. and eliminated him. I also found a new surprise. saber hadnt been totally killed and had rebuilt almost his entire base with 1 worker! so he had LOADS of repeaters and AA troopers. but eventually, assaults sandwiched him and ended his comeback attempt. game 2 is another long story, which i'll tell later if no one else has by that point. i'll see about uploading the games tonight too if i can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted June 29, 2004 Share Posted June 29, 2004 [EDIT]It appears pbguy posted a report at the exact same time I did. So now you have both sides of the story [/EDIT] Ah yes, since I'm the official battle reporter, I'll remind you, saberhagen. I'm sure there are others out there eager to know too. Again I'm going to tell the battle entirely from my perspective as that's all I've got, so others may need to fill in the exciting parts I wasn't witness to. The first game we played was an epic. It went for almost two hours. The teams were the usual (Me Naboo, pbguy Rebels, saberhagen Confederacy) but we were also joined by Connemara, long lost forum member, who I believe played the Empire, though can't quite remember. Connemara was my ally. The game went for a long time before there was any attacking. Because pbguy and saberhagen were both on their own, they were too concerned that should they launch an assault on one player, another would attack their base. This worked fine for me, as I was quite content to sit back in my base and build up my army. In fact, I believe I was the first one to T4 by a long shot. About this time, or perhaps a bit before, Connemara was annihilated by pbguy - which is why I can't completely remember what civ she was. Looking back, I wish I had have researched holonet (I always forget) so I could have known she was being attacked. If only she had have sent me a message I might have been able to defend her. So her defeat came as a bit of a shock. Pbguy came and built a forward base in Connemara's old territory, right next to me. I knew it was only a matter of time before he attacked me. Throughout the game, both saber had been sending small detachments of Geonosian Warriors in to mess up my workers, and pbguy had also been sending in small detachments of A-Wings to mess up my workers. Oddly enough, each separate occaision they did this, they did it at exactly the same time. So I was fighting off Geonosians from one direction and A-Wings from another. This happened a couple of times until I started thinking they had joined forces against me! Needless to say they were successful at destroying a huge chunk of my workers each time. At any rate, I knew I would have to deal with both threats soon. I decided to remove pbguy's presence at my doorstep, then take out saberhagen. The attack on pbguy's forward base was tough. He had built a fortress right at my doorstep, so the first step was to take that out. My Cannons deployed, but there was a more serious threat - pbguy had his own Cannons deployed to take out my protective fortress and shield. I sent in my bombers to quickly dispatch them, and discovered that most of pbguy's ore had gone into building anti-air turrets. As soon as the Cannons were taken care of, with heavy losses to my Bombers, I dealt with the fortress with my Cannons. Next was to take out the AA Turrets. I used both Cannons and Bombers for this, and then focussed on his AA Mobiles. Although I took massive losses, I managed to destroy his AA abilities - until the A-Wings zoomed in. Well they began decimating my air force, but again I managed to come through. Then there was a new threat - Jedi Masters. I quickly built up some Bounty Hunters and sent them in to reinforce them air force which was now laying waste to pbguy's huge forward base. The Bounty Hunters didn't get all the Jedi, but managed to neutralise the threat enough. Although I hadn't finished destroying the base, I new I had eliminated the threat for now, and since I had just seen a mob of Super Battle Droids enter my line of sight to the North, I decided it was time to focus on saberhagen. It didn't take long before my army was back to strength, and I launched my attack. It was an incredible success, as saberhagen wasn't quite as well defended against air attacks as pbguy had been. He had a decent amount of AA Mobiles and AA Troopers and AA Turrets, but not enough, and my force of Fighters, Bombers and Cannons was able to deal with them quickly. I managed to destroy his entire base in quite a short space of time. I even discovered a hidden-away Command Center and destroyed that. I thought saberhagen was finished, and then I made a big mistake. I had a strange feeling pbguy was just about to attack (mostly because I'd seen a swarm of A-Wings zoom into my line of sight, then zoom out again). So instead of killing Saberhagen's last worker who had been at this hidden away base, which I should have done and quite easily could have done, I zoomed back to base to await the attack. As you no doubt have guessed, saberhagen managed to rebuild his entire force with just a couple of workers. Although he didn't really cause me too much trouble for the rest of the game, my biggest regret was that I didn't wipe him out when I had the chance. Feeling confident from my last assault against pbguy, I threw myself into combat again. But he was ready for me this time. Huge mobs of FU AA Troopers awaited me, and I just couldn't deal with them fast enough, unlike AA Mobiles which Bombers can eat up. Thinking back to our game with lukeiamyourdad, I decided to buy an Air Cruiser, which was pretty dumb really. Anyway, pbguy's huge amount of AA Troopers destroyed my air force, and then came the combined Jedi Master and Assault Mech attack. Within a few minutes pbguy had converted all of my Airbases and my Spaceport and my Mech Factory. Well, this pretty much was it for me. I still had plenty of resources (I'd managed to snag three holocrons again) but without any buildings with which to reinforce my army, I was screwed. In a desperate attempt, I sent a contingent of Workers to establish a new base quite close to where saberhagen's old base had been. Unfortunately I discovered saberhagen was now back in full force. Limited with where I could go, pbguy soon found me and destroyed me. Well, perhaps I'll leave the tale of the second battle for another post a bit later, I'm almost exhausted after typing that as I was after playing the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted June 29, 2004 Share Posted June 29, 2004 oh yeah, i think i forgot to add how saber and i were fighting off and on in the middle of the map for terrain purposes. we kept nuking each others bases... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saberhagen Posted June 30, 2004 Share Posted June 30, 2004 I've just watched the rec of the 2nd game, and all I can say is: I'm sooooo stoopid! By about 35 minutes it looked as if I had pbguy, but how could I miss him building that second CC just on the other side of the house wall? Duh! I also never found those totally unprotected nova miners, who were also outside the house wall. And I had units sooo close to that 3rd CC near the top of the map, but didn't find it until way too late. Once I lost my forward base on his side of the river, it looks like I just went to sleep. Although I still had a decent econ going, I didn't build enough military, even though I had spare res, and forgot to go T4 until it was too late. The funniest thing is that while Vostok was destroying the other half of my base, I wiped out over 2/3 of his workers with about 8 fighters. He went right down from 89 to 25! Also tried to harass pbguy's econ but he had plenty of a-wings about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted June 30, 2004 Share Posted June 30, 2004 Here's the battle report for Game 2... at least what I can remember. Connemara decided not to join us for the second game, so we all went free-for-all. Saber and I were bored with our usual civs, so he chose Wookiees and I went Trade Federation. Pbguy stuck with his Rebels. The game was fairly uneventful for me early on, I guess because as usual pbguy and saberhagen focussed on each other. It was a precipice (sp?) map, so the fighting was fairly intense around the river crossings. Eventually I had amassed a huge enough army, and saber had just shot some of my utility trawlers, so I decided to attack him. I was unaware that pbguy was already halfway through destroying his base. When I met his invasion force, my mass of Droidekas made short work of the Repeaters and Mounties while my AA Mobiles managed to fend of the A-Wings. Unfortunately I let me Assault Mechs get too far away from the AA protection and his swarm of Airspeeders made short work of them. As saber mentioned, while this was happening he had sent a handful of fighters into my base to pick of my workers, and he had got through a huge number before I even noticed him. That was his last ditch effort before he was wiped out, and it did set me back a bit. As saberhagen later said, this game saw a role reversal of he and I: I was the mech whore and he was the air whore instead of the other way around as usual. Next I moved to invade pbguy's base. My first assault was quite successful, I managed to take out the Fortress that had been guarding against saber and also wiped out his expansion base, which included a Command Center and a few production facilities. However, his main base was on the other side of some trees, and from there he launched a counter-attack that sent me into a retreat. The real killer was the fact I was using a ground force - the river crossings were too narrow and caused my units to get stuck while crossing, which got a lot of them killed. I regrouped in my own base and began replenishing my army, in particular my Anti-Air Mobiles, the loss of which had sent me into the retreat. I struck back at pbguy, but my attack was unco-ordinated, and I tried to cross at a different river crossing that was better defended than the last. My forces were soon whittled down again, and I was starting to get a little low on resources. Once again, it was pbguy's Jedi Masters that turned the tide of the battle, as he converted critical components of my army - in particular the two Cannons bombarding his Fortress were suddenly turned against mine. I realised too late I had forgotten to buy the tech that makes units die instead of turning. It was pretty much all over after that as Jedi Masters, Mech Destroyers, Assault Mechs and Cannons invaded my base. At this time I should announce that due to most people not being able to make it next weekend (something about July 4th?) we won't be meeting, but we shall continue the weekend after. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted July 1, 2004 Share Posted July 1, 2004 Well I was able to watch parts of the games so far... don't ask why only parts... in game 2 saber was up my butt in a hurry. Part of the problem of a 1v1v1 is that if you stay in t2 to attack someone else, and then the 3rd guy goes to t3, you can get porked rather easily. so i made a small army, which saber outnumbered and attacked. he was winning.. easily. then i teched to 3. and started my mass comeback. I soon had 3 CCs up, and had mounties mechs and troopers push back saber and his foward base. whooped on it actually. so i eventually moved in. then i ran into vostok... RETREAT! Apparently as saber and I were engaged in early on combat, again Vostok was able to build up and apparently came in and SLAUGHTERED everything saber. So I ran into his army of Destroyers, Mech Destroyers, AA and Assault Mechs. So then I decided it was time to research the armored air speeders. Then I took out a fort with some cannons. Converted a few cannons and assaults, built up an army of mechs and moved in. Shortly after I think it was over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted July 6, 2004 Share Posted July 6, 2004 Don't forget everyone, the game is on again this Sunday. Sunday, 11th July 2pm USEST, 7pm GMT Who can we expect? pbguy? saberhagen? I know lukeiamyourdad is in Vietnam, so he won't be joining us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majin Boba Fett Posted July 6, 2004 Share Posted July 6, 2004 hopefully i will be able to show up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbguy1211 Posted July 6, 2004 Share Posted July 6, 2004 i will be slowly recovering from a hangover around that point in time... and not home either. so i will NOT be able to make it. make sure you record though! i want to watch! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saberhagen Posted July 8, 2004 Share Posted July 8, 2004 I'll probably be free then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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