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Dismemberment in SP mode!!!


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I finally found the definitive way to get dismemberment to work in SP mode. Chances are the same can be said for MP mode as well.


It turns out that each NPC has a file in the assets1.pk3 file that governs it skills, health, weapons used, ect. ect. Also there is dismemberment for each body part. See example below:




playerModel cultist


altfire 1








rank ltcomm

reactions 1

aim 1

move 1

aggression 1

evasion 1

intelligence 1

hfov 120

vfov 120

playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY


// race human


snd cultist1

sndcombat cultist1

sndjedi cultist1

yawSpeed 60

walkSpeed 45

runSpeed 180

health 50

dismemberProbHead 60

dismemberProbArms 60

dismemberProbLegs 60

dismemberProbHands 60

dismemberProbWaist 60



You have to go through each character npc file and change dismemberprob values as shown above. They work as a % so 60 is 60%.


This is no easy task as there are 73 npc files that I have found so far that govern each individual npc in the game. Everything from Jawas to Mutant Rancors. All Jedi npc are in there as well. So when they get killed they can also lose a foot or head.


I will post complete instructions in the next day or so. I want to make sure that I have all the npc files. For the time being you need to download a proggy called pakscape. That is how you can look into the pk3 files. I will say it once and so read it and learn!!!


Before you go making any changes to any files for your game.




Go ahead and create a backup folder and copy unedited files into there so you always have a fresh start file.








Please sticky :D

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Having dismemberment that way will have you opening all those NPC files and edit it, and will take forever. Most of the dismemberment mods you see out there are the same method as this, so why not download those mods instead of editing the files? ;)

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I find it somewhat odd that there is a thread at the top of this page that in itself is two pages long. No where does it say to download a simple mod to make dismemberment work. Thanks for not posting the links to such mods. I seriously doubt they would work anyways. You would have to mod the assets1.pk3 file to do so. You would have to edit all the npc files for all the individual npc's in the game. To my knowlege there is no file that global controls npc options in the game.


The other thread talks about placing garbage in your game link or editing your jaconfig.cfg file. Neither of which works. Does anyone there post an answer? So when someone else figures it out on his own and wants to share it with everyone. You say there is a simple mod? Ok? Where? How does it work? What does it mod? Why does it work? What else can it mod?


Excuse my frustration. But some of us have been fighting with this for awhile now. I am glad that godly you has a simple mod that does it all for us that you refuse to share with everyone. Unless you have something useful to post then don't post.



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Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest

Having dismemberment that way will have you opening all those NPC files and edit it, and will take forever. Most of the dismemberment mods you see out there are the same method as this, so why not download those mods instead of editing the files? ;)


I did it in under an hour. I also changed what sabers the npc's use. Got tired of them always using the same saber. I also changed their health to make them a little harder. And changed some of their force skill levels. All in under an hour. Hardly a forever.

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  • 4 weeks later...

while we are on the subject of those .pk3 files....help a newb out and let me know what is the best application to use to open them.


ive tried word, but they are to big for the application. Ive downloaded something from the Lucasfiles, but i havnt installed it yet as it wants to "update" some files. is there a common application that I can use to do that with?


I wanted to add a custom player stat using one of the other models (stormtrooper for example) so that it will show up on cut scenes and such.


if this post would be better surved someplace else let me know and Ill move it and repost in that forum. ive looked around and either I dont see an appropriate thread or typically the people who do this in JA have had so much experience in the other JK series games its all basic to them.


thanks....your friendly Newb.

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while we are on the subject of those .pk3 files....help a newb out and let me know what is the best application to use to open them.

To open pk3 files all you need is winzip or something like that.

Or if you have Windows XP you can use the compressed (zipped) folders.

I wanted to add a custom player stat using one of the other models (stormtrooper for example) so that it will show up on cut scenes and such.

To do that, all you need to do is type Playermodel <modelname> model_default model_default model_default in the console.

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I'll try that however when I first went in to open them the .pk3 files were listed without an associated application to open them. I figured word would be the best as I assumed they were mostly text.


I couldnt find an actually listing for my zip program that came with the computer as most zipped files automatically come read to unzip with the .zip...wait....I think I have an idea that might work. I'll try it out tonight and let you know.


is PakScape a free app that I could download from someplace?


"Playermodel <modelname> model_default model_default model_default in the console" ill also try that tonight. is there a reason why you put model_default three times?


thanks again.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Rars... suck. When I downloaded a rar program, it made absolutely every undefined file extension into a rar file. I couldn't do anything.


When you first install it it will ask you what kind of file extension do you want, only choose RAR files and cancel the rest.

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thats the angle i was going for. I'll download the prog, TK, and see how it works.


Im interested in starting to skin then head to modeling then mapping, etc.


Ive worked on maps from RTS games such as Warcraft, Starcraft, and Galactic Battle grounds, but I feel the options available in JA should open up a bit more creative media for me.


thanks again for the suggestions.

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