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hello guys,

I've bought the game yesterday and i think i'm going to install + register it thursday, that means that i don't know much about the game at this time, do you guys have some useful tips for me about the game/servers:cool:

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Guest DarthMaulUK

You might want to join up with one of the European servers. Look out for other players with HELPER on their name. These guys are there to help you in game.


Fastest way to get money and XP is to visit the terminals and do the missions. Quick way to earn cash and boost your xp. Once you gain xp, (experience points) your missions will get harder and yield more cash.


These terminals are general run to point a, kill stuff and go back..repeat over and over *yawn*


Until you get yourself powerful enough to pick up a branch and fight -this is the easiest way. Once you can use weapons etc, you can do other things.


Hunting groups are a good way to pick up experience also.



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