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Quick Skirmish

Guest Kenneth

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Guest Admiral Alistair

I have HEARD of such a patch, but I can't seem to remember actually finding it anywhere. Sorry I can't help ya out on this one.





OMEGA Ensign,Mission Designer



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okay first of all let me explain the differnce betwean a Skirmish or *.SKM file and a Mission ot *.TIE file.


In a SKM, you have one region, and a limited number of Fighter groups per a side. YOu limit is 48 Fighters on a side, or 8 capital ships on a side. and if you have more then 2 teams, the numbers get less. It will be in one Region, so no hypering is allowed. Every ship will be there at once, and your options as far as missions goals are limited to 100% of a FG. But it is also a lot easier to make then a TIE, and a lot simpler.


In a TIE file you have everything you would want, and can create Delayed Entries and Multiple teams with As many ships as your comp can handle. YOu can use up to 4 regions, or 12 hyper-space "jumps" in any mission. Also you can add Pilot chatter, and me very creative in the missions.


YOu can find a TIE to SKM coversion at this Link , but alas, it is far from perfect.

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Guest Jugalator

There is a BinHexEdit patch for this somewhere (?) to allow hyperspace regions in skirmishes.




"Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice. - Yoda"

Jugalator, xwainfo.cjb.net



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Guest ViRGE

Actually, there is a way to do it. I have a copy of the "Hyperpoint example" file sitting on my computer that contains a skm file that uses hyperpoints. It has a setting pre-set to use hyperpoints, and you can then build your mission around it like usual. Unfortunately, it can only be used once, then needs to be reloaded(as in trying a replay won't work, and I'm not sure about saves before flying), but it works as advertised. Drop me a line if you would like a copy.




System Apex




[This message has been edited by ViRGE (edited May 01, 2000).]

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