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This is a joke, right?

Guest McGeeza

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Guest McGeeza

That is a truly awful demo.


The graphics are laughable and unless Lucasarts have limited the demo to 16 colours (not 16-bit) and res to 640x480, they are in big trouble. Remember that this game was supposed to herald the 'Return of Lucasarts'. From what i've seen so far, it will help continue there domination of the bargain bins.


Before you start flaming, I know that graphics do not make a game, but after playing the demo, do you really think that the full game will show any improvement over the gameplay from AOE2?


This should have been called Age of Empires 2: The Unofficial Star Wars Mission Pack.


Bunch of arse.



PS: To all the fan boys who are saying that the demo is good - I hope you're being sarcastic. Come on, if you keep buying this ****, they'll keep making it.

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Guest McGeeza

Oh, I see...I was under the impression that this was a 'discussion' board. I didn't realise that you're only allowed to 'discuss' how 'great' this 'demo' is.


I think you'll find that the point of a demo is that people can decide whether they want to purchase the game. For Lucasarts to release this, and expect it to impress, is a joke.


To be fair though, I haven't played MP. Can you let me know the improvements over the SP game and over AOE2 MP?



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yes this is a 'discussion' board......not a 'Flame The Game Without Any Backing' Board....if your going to flame it, at least play more than 1 mision (a rather poor mission...)


Graphics: The demo only supports 1024*768.....plus if you want a great graphics RTS buy Battle For Dune.....and why do you keep mentioning AoE2? you can't like that! it uses the same engine! those graphics suck! :rolleyes:


Gameplay: What Major improvements did the Rise Of Rome Expantion have over Aoe? or the AoE2:TC? (although i woulden't know...i didn't buy either.....please enlighten me....) and yet both of them were deemed a success?


Well changes and improvments in GB are....


A) Power Cores....

B) Flying Units...

C) Shield Generators...

D) Animal Nurseries...

E) Cloaking...

F) Actully Origanal Art For Each Civ...


and these are just the things off the top of my head......plus basically every starwars charecter you can think of......imagen re-creating the battle of hoth? or endor? oh wait, let me guess your not a starwars fan..........


Now go actully play a game.....then come back and flame it if you want to.........

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Guest McGeeza

To be patronised by someone who was born three years after the release of Return of the Jedi is insulting, to say the least.


Of course i'm a big Star Wars fan. I'm just not an obsessive, and certainly wouldn't buy a sh*t game because it carried the Star Wars name.


I have re-enacted the battle of Endor, in a game called X-Wing: Alliance. Although not the best of the X-Wing series, it actually went some way to creating that amazing Star Wars atmosphere sadly lacking in the previous few releases.


Can you really say that this demo is as good as you were expecting?


I defy you to say that this met your expectations.


Wake up and smell the Gungans, my friend.

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Guest McGeeza

Are you insinuating that this is an attack of the clones?





We're similar in that neither of us have chosen to input any other details (even though Viper has submitted his homepage).


Congratulations Mr Holmes.

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No.....Viper just spams alot.....is rude and stuborn.....and has had about 4 diffrent profiles.......i was just connecting the dots......but he can't type........so your proberly off the hook :D


anyway....no the demo did not meet all my expections....some of the animations were abit funkey (see: AT-ST) and i was expecting abit "more" or it.......but thats why it is a demo......


can you seriously say that the graphics were so terrable that it ruint the game, and that the gameplay was to stale......(see: multiplayer.....the ONE SP mission sucked....)


AoE (a great game...) in the Starwars universe (a great setting....) i don't see what the problem is......


*and i made the assumption about you not being a SW fan from the crack about Lucas......its something that an anti-fan would say......and whats my age got to do with how much i like starwars?

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Guest McGeeza

Oh right. You mean he tells people to go away when they are trying to have an intelligent conversation? Yeah, that's quite rude. :)


Listen, I really do hope you enjoy and get the most out of this game when it is released...seriously.


My point is that GB is just another poor attempt by Lucasarts to make a bit of dough. This time, by slapping poor Star Wars imagery on to a successful game engine. The reason for doing this is twofold. Not only do they catch all the Star Wars nuts, they also snare fans of AOE (i.e. a lot), and consequently hope that everyone forgets about Force Commander and we all live happily ever after.


Well, I say they were wrong to give up on Force Commander. Instead of taking the easiest option, maybe they should have addressed the problems with FC and tried to come up with a RTS that actually progresses the genre, rather then a bland makeover that took minimum effort.


As for AOE = good game, Star Wars = good setting. I can't argue with that, but in this case, the sum certainly isn't greater then it's parts!


*Anti-fan? Come on. Lucas is so far up his own arse these days, i'm suprised he hasn't got a shrunken head.


*Age? Only that you were patronising me, even though i'd seen the films about 50 times each before you were born. (OK, I admit this paragraph is childish).

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I am sure SW:GB is an attempt to make abit of cash.....but I wouldn't say a poor one....so far i have been pleased......yet you still havent tried multiplayer.....


As for taking the easy option....sometimes it is not a bad idea to take the easy option....allows them to concentrate on something other than the engine......like gameplay......



*Age? Only that you were patronising me, even though i'd seen the films about 50 times each before you were born.


See: Comment you made.....think about it......

See: Still, whats age got to do with it?


I think this is the case of having to agrea to disagrea......I think the game is going to be great (and from the possitive feed back, I don't think i am alone.....) and you think its going to be poor......

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Guest McGeeza

Agreed. Let's disagree.


However, I have not deleted any posts at all. I don't know where you got that from. Maybe you could tell me what I deleted?


I'd like to know.


I'm assuming it's some cheap ploy to discredit me?

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Guest McGeeza

Well, I edited one of my posts to take into account some of the points you had made by editing one of your posts. Maybe that's why it disappeared?


Yeah, I deleted one of my posts because i'm scared...(sigh)


Clutching at straws because you can't come up with any intelligent responses?


I think everyone now knows what your age has to do with it. Hopefully, once you've grown up, you might be able to make a few valid points now and again.

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Guest McGeeza

How nice for you. Congratulations.


My point is, that Mr Sub and I were having a fairly interesting discussion when he resorted to the old 'accuse person of deleting posts and try to make them look lame' trick. You can follow this above (if he hasn't deleted most of his posts by now).

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Originally posted by McGeeza

Clutching at straws because you can't come up with any intelligent responses?


you were ALMOST to the civil stage.....but then you just had to star flaming again.......PLEASE go to the top of this page.....PLEASE read my posts (pay special attention to the one highlighting the additions over AoE....A game you seem to like....)......PLEASE play more than a 5 minute SP match.........


PLEASE realise that I like the game most of this forum like the game.....if you don't like the game, and can't be bothered to actully try it out thats your loss.....

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Guest McGeeza

Hey, I agreed to disagree, and I said that I hope you enjoy the game.


I just think you should apologise for accusing me of deleting posts.


Let's hope that Jedi Outcast, Knights of the Old Republic and Galaxies can change my mind about Lucasarts!

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Guest McGeeza

You sad, sad person.


Now, I suppose you're going to say that your PC is better then mine, or stamp your feet?



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I edited my post so it didn't say you deleted it? or didn't you notice that?


you came here saying the demo sucked.....after playing a 5 minute hero mission.........I tried to show you other wise (see: play multiplayer) you say i *jack off over George Lucas (WTF?!?!) I tell you to go away......then you ask why this is better than AoE....I list the additions......I say you can't be a SW fan (see: *) and you insult me about my age? (whats that got to do with it.....)


Then you continue to say the game sucks (after playing 5 minutes....) and then you say that i tried to pull the 'say he deleted a post and make him look lame trick....' even though i that i found it and edited my post (we all make mistakes....)


you then insult me about my age (again....)....and say that i am 'clasping for straws' (remember, this is about SW:GB and i have already said what makes it stand out.....keep your eye on the ball.....)


then you ask for an apology ( see: *) .....


and i am tragic? :confused:

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Guest McGeeza

There you go mate, a reasoned argument. I knew you had it in you. Congratulations.


OK, point taken about the deletion, but you could have mentioned that you deleted it so that others reading knew the score.


All I can hope is that I have made you think about the unconditional love you guys show for all things Lucasarts. You are the customers. You can vote with your wallets.


No-one can say that this blew them away, so why not talk about it, discuss your concerns, rather then saying 'wow, this demo rocks' etc,. You never know, someone from Lucasarts may be reading these posts and you might make a difference...


Goodbye and happy gaming.

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I have a few questions for McGeeza...


I would just like to know why you don't like the game???


From what i see you don't like it because it has poor grapics and one bad single player game???


If you are getting a bed res you should look into getting a better computer, because mine plays on 1024x768


And who can you judge the game by one single player mission. I have played AoEII and i thought it was right on par for the first mission of a campan... It was like most of the first missions in AoEII. Greated i have not played all of the campans so there could be better ones, but i thought it was a lot like the joan of arc begining. They didn't want to give away to much of the game, so the put in a mission that they knew everyone knew already took place.


And I think the grapics are par for AoEII engine. Look at the grapics in AoEII, they are about the same or better.


So i guess i have to ask....


Are thouse the only resons you don't like the game or are there more i missed....


And please don't call me a child for asking this, i am just trying to learn what people think is wrong with the game because i do like it.


Oh i see you posted before i did so i thougth i would add this just FYI The Director of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds: Garry M Gaber does post at this fourm. Please see Greetings

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Guest McGeeza

Hello Wraith 5.


I don't know why my opinion should bother you that much? If you like the game, then that is all that matters really. But, if you insist:


I started up the one player game and was frankly astonished with the quality of graphics. As I said before, I know that graphics do not make a game, but it is the first thing you see and so it is your first impression of the game. The graphics aren't just bad, they are absolutely atrocious.


You see, with me, it's all about atmosphere. When I see Vader dancing gaily as he attacks, I think he tends to lose all credibility as the hardest bloke in the galaxy. It's in the detail. To see the once-mighty TIE Bombers HOVERING above there targets dropping devastating green SNOWFLAKES, and the Empire's credibility starts to wane.


I understand that they have to differentiate between the forces, but since when have Rebels worn lovely white jumpsuits with orange tabards? There must have been a better way. I'll take another recent RTS as an example - Commandos 2. Yes I know it's an action RTS and it doesn't have resource management. However, they resisted the temptation to have all the allies wear purple aprons, and the axis don't have bright pink scarves so that everyone knows who everyone is.


Another thing: voice acting. Why did they bother? If you can't be arsed to stump up the cash to get JEJ (i'm guessing, he doesn't have too much on these days) to do Vader’s voice in game, don't do it. Of course, GB isn't the only LA game to suffer from this (Lando in Alliance, anyone? dear oh dear), but some bloke talking into a traffic cone doesn't wash with me.


I know that my arguments centre around the graphics and sound, but with the limited gameplay on offer in the demo there really isn't much else to go on and I just can't see that this is anything more then AOE2: SW Mission Pack, which - as Endsub pointed out - most people are completely happy with. I am not.


If it floats your boat, then good luck you. You certainly don't need my or anyone else's seal of approval.


PS: I'm on the work PC, which is a reasonable spec, so I can't really see that being the problem.


PPS: Now, a Star Wars RTS infiltration game using the commandos 2 engine...that would be something to get excited about...:)

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