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Looking for tutorial on making an SP ladder


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I need tutorial which explains specifically about spawning. I can get one to spawn but am confused with the spawning of the next ones. I think it is something to do with when the first one dies it calls the second set or something, but I have tried and not got it working so anyways if a link to a tutorial or explanation is available I would really appreciate

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As ladders are undoubtly the simplest form of SP maps, I very much doubt anybody would write a tutorial about such. And if the only thing unclear to you is the spawning, you don't even need a tutorial. You can also find the answer here by using the forum search function.


But what you basically need to do is to use the NPC spawner, and NPC_target key. NPC spawner can spawn NPCs as many times as targeted (maybe there's also a key to set how many times it can do it, if not set to indefinite, cehck the entity properties). NPC_target will be triggered when the NPC dies, so that fulfils you requirement, I believe.

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Originally posted by zag

what i think you need is a target_count or something similar which triggers the next group of opponents when you have killed the right amount of people..

does that sound right?


Thats definately one way of doing it, and is one of the easiest (you don't need to use ICARUS). Here is Drakewl telling me how to do it, nigh on two years ago:




How time flies...


Also...if you link up two NPCs (select one, then a second, then control-k) you'll find that only the first will be in the level. Take him out, and the second will spawn. Using this, you can create all kinds of ladder type action.

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