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Only took them a year but...

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

they finally have claimed to have fixed the Shadowing problem. This was the key reason why my game kept crashing EVERY few second etc.


Glad to know that their tech support was 100% wrong. No surprise there though.


Oh and even when i turned the shadowing off, it made no difference.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

When my game used to crash (which could be every 3 seconds) or especially when I travelled using shuttle/space ports, i checked the error logs.


Every single time, it was a shadow pixelling problem. I posted some of it a while back now. It became VERY frustrating. And when you have SOE tech support blaming the RAM on my pc, ventilation, the motherboard, the drivers, even my ISP - but naturally, not themselves.


As most know, I work for a computer games publisher and have access to the very best computers, accessories and had problems on a few PCs.


I noticed that recently, in yet another revamp, they have fixed a Shadowing problem - basically - poor programming. Much like the so called 'warping' which in this day, really is unforgiveable in a game.


Warping (where you can exit the gaming world) is something you wont find on a console game because consoles have such strict guidelines - hence why Galaxies will NEVER be on a console.


I thought about giving the trial ago to see what has changed but watching my few remaining friends who have stuck this turkey out, it looks like theres nothing really new



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I remember this issue on the forums that quite a few people had, although you (DMUK) were the only one that posted your error logs etc, and gave some detailed information, i always thought you were right, and then there are those people who thought you were wrong etc and started having a go at you because of it, obviousely i wont name names but glad to know that SOE were wrong.




You may have this... : :elephant:


P.S. I would try and think of something better to give you... But, i cant... :(

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