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Just searching for threads and info I think I have managed to find out how to build models from scratch and animate them for JK games using Milkshape and the TOOLS from RAVEN. Yes I know RAVEN released PLUGINS for 3DSmax. But I think these batch files should also work. I mean they are not just there for looks. So a guy could make a vehicle model or player model in Milkshape like I'm doing, then make it into a GLM using Modview. After that just drop the GLM into the carcass.exe batch and it should make a GLA right? For the moment it doesn't work for me...but I think I will figure it out........:rolleyes:

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Carcass only compiles XSI files.


The XSI contains both the model and animation data. carcass compiles that into both a glm and gla.


Download the free version of Softimage XSI to se how that works.


And assimilate is just a front end GUI to carcass.

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MAN!! That took a crapload of BSing to get a free D/L...LOL!



One has to wonder if it's all worth it for 149mb!! Yeah...I said 149mb!! wth???

I'm almost thinking going to 3DS Max and trying to do it from there...geez this is silly.

Okay I'll take a look at this proggy then and see what it will do. :p

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