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Looking for a SWG "buddy". Heh

Lord Haine

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Hey everyone, basically i will get straight to the point, later on tonight i am going to sign back up to SWG, and, as i only played it for 30 days before, actually about 17 seeing as my PC went abit wierd, im gonna need a little help on it, also, i dont particuly want to go around on my own, so i was wondering if anyone would let me hook up with them on the game and show me around the world of SWG, you know, just lemme tag along and maybe help me out abit sometimes, please?


If anyone can let me tag along that would be great, please reply on this and i will get back to you ingame, thanks alot to anyone who replies, i realise this may be alot to ask but it would be a great help to me and it would make my experience alot better.


Thanks alot,



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I would try and help you but I'm kinda having troubles avoiding imperials after killing an officer and getting chased by like 7 stormies, then going to loot the officer and I get 12 credits, then I got chased again! And I have money problems now. ^^; Sorry!

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Haha! Not to worry then, i just had the greatest first experience ever, i logged on and went to tatooine (this was a new character) and then i looked about and asked anyone if they wanted to join a newbie team, and no one answered, then this Field Scientist comes up to me and tips me 15,000 credits, and then says if i want to come to Datooine to get some training, and im like, "Perfect!" lol, so, first we went to his house on Correllia, and he gave me some very nice equipment that i could use, then we went to datooine and found some.. argh i forget the name, but it was in the mission terminal, and anyway, we went on a hunting trip and got loads of experience, and now, in the space of... 3 hours (hehe) i am

Marksman: 1/0/0/1

Medic: 0/0/0/0 (damn)

Scout: 1/0/0/0


It may not sound like much, but headshot does alot of damage! :D

Anyway, that was amazing, and i enjoyed it greatly.

Brilliant first experience for me.



Anyway, if anyone is interested in joining a team and going hunting some time or whatever, just leave a reply, but if not dont worry about it, i think i might be going on hunts with this person a few more times still. Thanks anyway everyone.

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