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Guest Kvan

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Where is a good, FREE, website that I can sign up with so I link to a custom icon that I can put under my name? Angelfire and a few others don't let you do this, anyone know of ones that do?

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Does anyone know if you can have an "avatar" as an .ico file? Cause I got a website, copy and pasted the addy in and BAM still no pic :(

[edit, I guess it can't read .ico files...]

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Guest Tie Guy

It may be a site that doesn't let you use their pics, i suggest you download it first, or copy it into paint and save it.

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I tried, it comes out too small and crappy looking.

Your trying to make me look real stupid in all my posts aren't you?

:D And before you say it, I don't do that all on my own :)

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Guest Boba Rhett

I don't have to try. :D lol. j/k


Well, I have a icon creator that dyplay the icon very large and I could then resize it. That may work.

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Thanks for the offer but I have an icon creator too and it didn't help really.

I guess I can just use the robotech symbol..

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Oops, I edited it :)

I found the thread on how to do it but it something isn't there that is supposed to be...oh well....I guess I'm stuck with being a z-95 pilot:(

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Guest Tie Guy

go on the website and copy the image of the ico into paint. I thought that's what you meant, but i'm not sure if there is anotehr way to do it, unless you've got a good icon editor.

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