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Defensive Systems

Guest Sir Overkill

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Guest Sir Overkill

Hello. I'm new here. Anyhow down to business. Could someone tell me what the defensive systems and counter measures do:

Tractor Beam, Decoy, Jamming, Chaff and Flares? I bought the game used w/o the manual.

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Here ya go


Tractor Beam: Use these to keep another craft from turning.

Decoy Beam: With this stealth device, your craft wont show up on enemy radar screens, and can't be targeted.

Jamming Beam: These prevent another craft from firing weapons at your craft. Large targets may require more than one beam to be fully neutralized.

Chaff: This electromagnetic energy shoots out from behind your craft to deflect warheads and beam weapons.

Flare: When fired, this miniature warhead will go after the nearest enemy warhead that is bearing down on you. If no warhead has been launched, it will target the nearest enemy craft.



"Your just jealous because the voices talk to me"!

TZG -3 Rogue 11




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i would like to add some comments...


Tractor Beam: Best used when you are in a Fighters 6 o'clock, causes him to not to be able to manuver. Make sure that you opponent is in your front 30 degree arc before you try to lock on. and it is best if you can look down thier enines before you attept anything. Using tractor beams in combination of Rockets, or missles is deadly


Jamming Beam: Prevents target from fireing ANYTHING. ONly really useful agasint Capital ships, and Head to Head.


Decoy Beam: Puts your craft in "Stealth Mode" nobody can target you, but AIs can target you when you are withen .5km. And so can Captial ships. Only really effective agaisnt AIs, or in a big battle


Chaff: My prefered couter measure (becasue it allways works) Creates a "feild" that absorbs Any warhead , or beam (i am not too sure of the beams tho) but is only effective protecting your rear arc. Dont worry about the spinning part if you get hit..you allways fly in a straght line, and a well timed turn can get you away from someone who is trying to shoot at you


Flares: The is an ACTIVE counter measure. It targets the Nearest missile, or Eneimy, put is not allways accurate. mainly used to annoy ppl. just think of it as a auto targeting mini-missile



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I love the Flares 'cause I always pound the enemy fighters with them. I hardly use Counter measures anyway, I just shoot the warheads with my lasers, I DO use the chaff in a desperate measures... and the only reason I would use the flares is to hit some TIEs with em biggrin.gif



"Your just jealous because the voices talk to me"!

TZG -3 Rogue 11





[This message has been edited by Tek Gunner (edited May 28, 2000).]

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Guest TK421

Originally posted by milkshake:

Yep, couple a flares can ruin a tie pilots day biggrin.gif it's really fun whenm you are facing a tie pilot online, click click BOOM!


Yes I've had that done to me a few times! I was in a T/I vs A-Wing, the score was 12:4 my way - then she started using flares.


I would either go spinning off, an easy target or be destroyed.

Final score 15:17


Its not so much fun for the TIE pilot, you go online for a friendly little melee, its going good then your opponent starts doing this.




"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"

TK's OPT Factory

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

Yeah, flares are good for unshielded crafts, but I prefer chaf (for situation when you have 6 or more concunnsion missiles on your tail smile.gif)




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