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best drivers for ati to play


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wich are the best ati drivers to play star wars galaxies,


i have a ati radeon 9800pro 128mb and im using the catalyst 4.7b

im ahving low framerates even with low settings


wich will be the best driver to use

please help

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Hi there,


Well first of all it depends on what Graphics card manufactuar made your Gfx card, with mine it is an Hercules 9800 Pro, so, if its a connect 3D or whatever go to there site and use there drivers, i find that to be better.


Now, if yours is a ATi made Gfx card, then first i would recomend obviousely the latest version. But sometimes that is quite buggy. So, maybe try a few step downs from the latest version. I, for one, am using the Hercules 4.1 drivers, and they are excellent, very stable, fast, no problems so far. So, maybe you would like to try 4.1 Catalyst drivers. Its up to you.

Also, low framerates arent always due to your Gfx card. Could you state how much Ram you have or your Processor speed?

And also, you can do a defrag of the drive that SWG is on so your PC can access data from it quicker.


Now, if you download a lower version of Catalyst drivers dont forget to completely get rid of the drivers you had before hand. And for this, you could use the ATi uninstaller, which is located in your add/remove programs, but, if you want to get rid of every bit of driver info left on your PC (good if your downgrading drivers) then i recomend Driver Cleaner. Download and install, but dont use it yet, once you have downloaded your new drivers (which could be older versions) leave the installation program as it is, and go to uninstall your drivers you have on at the moment. So...


Download older version of drivers.


Dont install older version of drivers yet.


Download Driver Cleaner and install. But dont use it yet.


Uninstall your drivers you are running at the moment.




When in windows again. Click cancel on the new hardware found box. Go to desktop.


Run driver cleaner, select the ATi drivers and click clean. This will remove all track of drivers.




Install older version of ATi drivers, follow the installation and restart again.


This may be tedious. But this is how you do a complete full clean reinstalation of your graphics drivers.


Good luck!

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P.S. Sorry for the long post, but i fealt i had to explain it in alot of detail so more people could use the info if they wanted to.


And also,




Welcome to the SWGalaxies.net Forums!


Hehe, i wonder if the mods are getting annoyed with me greeting people...

Hope not!



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Whoa... urhh, you said PC133?


Are you sure? Try downloading a tool like CPUz and checking because PC133 is rather old now, and i didnt think that it was compatible with P4s, but if you do have PC133, you should seriousely consider upgrading, if your confident enough to do it yourself then there are plently of places online you can get decent PC2700 or PC3200 DDR Ram from. Its pretty easy to iinstall so theres no reason why you couldnt do it yourself. But im getting ahead of myself. First of all download CPUz and check out your Ram type and CPU speeds etc, and share them on here.

Good luck!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

There is some debate about Galaxies and Ati cards.


Some have had no problems running the game whilst others have not. I have had dozens of problems. Ive tried various different ATi cards and specs on various different systems, including a top of the line Alienware PC.


Others say use old drivers, as far back as 3.5 but its not wise to use older drivers because other things wont work. Galaxies has a serious problem with most ATi cards. It simply doesnt like them.


Last year I experienced horrible crash 2 desktops every few seconds. My crash logs made horrible reading. To cut a long story short, Sony blamed my PC - bearing in mind i had tried on at least 6 different set ups with the same problem... and then, low and behold, they bring out a fix for Shadowing errors - which is what i had.


Now, i tend to crash mostly when its night in game or when the scenery is moving rapidly. And, most recently, the lag in game has become totally unbearable - even when cities r empty.


When leaving the cloning station at anchorhead, the amount of lag when the door opens and u turning left to exit causes my PC to crash alot. It NEVER used to be like that.


The most scary thing was, when playing Galaxies at work, it worked fine (although some things were untextured) on the lowest spec PC we had - Nvidia geforce 4 64mb with 512 ram.


If you experience errors - post your crash log and i will take a look



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i download cpuz and its saids i have pc133 ram

i think that i get low framerates becuase my pc

right now i dont have the money to buy a new ram, becuase if i buy a new ram i have to change my mobo and the procesor

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Guest DarthMaulUK

With 133 ram, you might experience problems running the game. If you can get your hands on another stick to increase it to 200+ will help alot.


You are right in saying that with the new RAM, you will need a new motherboard. Try EBAY.co.uk/.com to see if any RAM that matches yours is onsale cheap



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Then you have me, with an ATi Radeon 9700 PRO 128mb, who hasn't had problems anywhere near as bad as DMUK. My biggest beef with SWG and my Radeon card has been with the stars being more black on my computer, which SWG finally has managed to fix. :)


I've had some crashes for the past year, especially in the beginning, but nowhere near as often or severe as DMUK, and I have no idea what caused it. Didn't happen enough times for me to get hung up on.


Also, when you say you have pc133 RAM, are you sure it's the amount of ram that is stated here? Cause it sounds alot like it's the speed of the ram that is stated. Speed values on ram usually look like that. I have the same speed on my ram in my computer.


To check your amount of ram I suggest you go to Start -> Run then type in DXdiag and press the OK button to run the Direct X Diagnostic tool. On the first page there it will state your stats for your computer, things like processor and speed of processor, harddrive space, amount of ram, video card, soundcard, etc ...

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Yes i do believe that is your motherboard, it is Pentium 4, from what i can read (unfortenatly i cannot read Russian) and it does have PC133 Ram. Although 728mb of it isnt too bad. I use to have PC133 in my old PC and had 640mb of it and it ran most things quite nicely. Apart from cutting edge things simply because of my onboard Gfx card.


Although, if you did wish to upgrade, you hadnt need to change your CPU, just your motherboard or Ram. Im guessing your not in the UK, but i dug up some of these from an american website...


A decent, solid motherboard - ASUS


Some RAM, from Kingston


Now, the Ram may be slightly pricy but its definatly worth it.




Hope this helps slightly

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