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XWA Upgrade

Guest OtanaMan

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Guest OtanaMan

I just went to http://xwaupgrade.cjb.net/ and checked out the upgraded ships. Well, for some reason, I can't seem to download any of the ships. Am I not understanding something? Has anyone here ever tried to download it, too?

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Guest decoy

It is coming, it is coming and believe me it will be worth waiting for, just take a look at the previews.




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

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Guest Tomcat

I'm a little concerned about the XWA Upgrade project. It seems like its self destructing from what I've read on the forums at the website. It would be a shame for the project to go unfinished because of the pride of certain individuals over there. I hope that I'm wrong in my perception, because I'd really like to see this project in its finality. Besides I just spent $500 upgrading my computer so I could run the upgrade when its released, and I love what I've seen so far. Its about timethat someone made these ships look the way they are supposed to.

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Guest decoy

Don't worry about that all OPT's will be released. As for the way things are going right now i wouldn't worry to much i'm sure things will setle and if not all members will release the OPT's any way, atleast i will smile.gif




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

"Only feel sorry about things you didn't do"

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Guest Dark Dude

I've managed to download it but it says it needs something called Mxvted to run it. Do any of you guys know where to get it?



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Guest Dark Dude

I have downloaded some of the craft and they should work but it needs a program called Mxvted. Ive been looking everywhere but I can't find it frown.gif. Do any of you guys know where it is?

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Guest decoy

I find that pretty hard to believe none of the XWAUP OPT's have been released jet please tell me where did you find those if you realy did.




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

"Only feel sorry about things you didn't do"

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Guest OtanaMan

Decoy's right. You can't download them yet. I went to that site and clicked every link and I didn't find any OPT available for download. Then K_K told me that there are none to download yet. I guess who ever wants to download them will just have to wait.

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