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Changing Block Size?


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Hi eveyrone. I'm trying to speed up my compile time and I read somewhere that If you change your block size in your worldspawn then you can drastically speed it up. How do I do that? I have way to many to count boxes going across my grid.

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Only do this on large maps and only if you totally understand vis...this isn't a way to reduce vis times, it's a way to reduce vis data, reduced vis times is merely a side effect.


in the worldspawn (select a regular brush and hit n) enter a key of _blocksize and a value of 3 numbers, e.g. 2048 2048 2048. Search the forums as I am sure I'm repeating myself here.

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The easiest way for you to get the log is compile it from GTKRadiant and then copy and paste the log from the bottom part of GTK because it monitors the compiler and prints everything it gets...


Are you sure it's actually looping the same thing over and over and not compiling the 3 separate stages of the map (bsp/vis/light) or that it's not bouncing the light around the map which would repeat a lot of the light stage 9 times.

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