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Things to make this game great.....


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-make cities look like cities by seeing it as a city instead of seeing buildings when real close


-have bonuses by sleeping in house, instead of loggin off in street


-show goin in space shuttle and be in it instead of just dissapearing and loading


-make droids do things special or somethings so theres a reason to have them.


-instead of speeders and pets dissapear, have them actually stay or put in a garage.


-have vehicles to have parts so u can upgrade parts, replace parts to make better


-make it so u need food and drink ur ur abilities and health are super low.


-be able to live in game made cities, rent stores


-Have damage models for things like buildings


-make it so u need a belt or a backpack to carry so many items, have the limit way down to what u can carry unless u have one of those.


-make halth regenerating much slower so its more manditory to go see a medic than wait for urself to heal unless its just a feature for the trandashan who is what im using :)


-Add more equipment that can really help u such as a calculator binoculars, detector, radar jammer, radar.


- have gyms or weight lifting equipment to help improve strength to a limit every so much time. Like 2 pts by actually lifting for 5 minutes every 6 hours.

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I like the idea of living in the game made cities. There are so many buildings in coronet without doors (or have a purpose) I think it would be really cool if they were able to be put of for auction so we could actually live in the city. And the sky scrapers! The med centers have have multiple floors with elevators so why not the sky scrapers they could be apartment buildings. I think its a waste for all those buildings to be there if they server no purpose.

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