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Curse of Monkey Island - Insert CD 2


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Actually I'm having a big problem with my Curse of Monkey Island.


at the end of cd1, when I leave the island, the game asks me to insert CD 2. so well I remove the cd 1, then I insert cd 2, and paf, the game crashes....


now I just don't know what to do...

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The problem mostly comes when XP decides that it doesn't want to run old dos based games anymore, like the early SCUMM games created mostly by Lucasarts (with the exception of such titles as Broken Sword or Simon the Sorcerer, both by different publishers). And the "Choose compatibility type" doesn't always work. Alas, there, came an answer. ScummVM, a small but powerful program (found at http://www.scummvm.org, look at details there for more info) that basically, does make such games work on the devilled XP system. I'm not useing this as some kind of scapegoat or easy way out when people ask for answers to such questions. If people would actually stop and look at the sticky at the top of this board, (which has all relevent details in there about ScummVM as well as solutions to the most common problems) then the question wouldn't even be asked and we wouldn't have to recommend it at all. Alas people are impatient and won't stop to read such a thing which is why we have to point it out as much as we have to.


For a goos frontend to ScummVM (basically, a gui system, more user friendly towards a layman) try ScummVM Q+E.

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