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A movie


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If you conevrted the Monkey Island saga into a movie, who would you have playing each part?


For the most part i'm unsure, but i have made my mnd up on a few ideas.


Stan:stan: = Jim Carrey.


Only an over actor could play Stan with the grotesque style required. Jim (in all his films) has a very O.T.T. style which would suit Stan in the best way.



Otis = Jean Reno (the guy from Leon and Ronin)


What can i say, he rules. His silent but deadly style you covert well over to the cowerdly charcter of Otis



LeChuck = Brian Blessed


yes he'll need some work to pull it off, but he is just so dominant on screen that he'd pull off the role brilliantly.



Herman Toothrot :toothrot: = George Carlin


All you need is a crazy white haired man, and this guy fits the bill



Largo LaGrande:largo: - Danny DeVito


he's short and funny, what more could you need.



Hippy Judge = Jeson Mewes


A stoner playing a stoner, what more could you want.



The captin on Scabb Island (who you need to steal the monicle for) = Lenny Henery


His jamaican accent in Harry Potter was hilliarious, it fits so well.



Erm, thats all i can think of ATM


I'll add more when i can think of em


Shout your ideas, as mine most probably suck.

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