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Changing Characters


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If you are talking about single-player the answer is yes.


And if TK-8252 was writing this post, that would have been the end of it. But since I know you are asking not only IF it is possible but also HOW to do it I will answer your question completely:


During the game open the console with Shift and ~, then enter


playermodel <species> head_x torso_y lower_z


<species> choices are:


jedi_hm = Human male

jedi_hf = Human female

jedi_kdm = Kel Dor male

jedi_tf = Twi'lek female

jedi_rm = Rodian male

jedi_zf = Zabrak female


The heads, torsos, and legs (lower) have names like head_a1, torso_c1, lower_b1, etc. corresponding to the different choices.


So you if you wanted a Rodian male with the third head choice, the second torso choice, and the first leg choice you would open the console and enter


playermodel jedi_rm head_c1 torso_b1 lower_a1


To change the color tint of the clothes (or Twi'lek female skin) you enter


playertint <R> <G> <B>


where <R> <G> and <B> are numbers between 0 and 255 for the amount of red, green, and blue in the color you want. You can use MS Paint to give you the RGB values for any color.

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Originally posted by djlucite

So does this change the voice for the character too? or is there another command?


Oh yeah, and does this stay permanent, or when I beat the level, will it revert to my original character?


Thanks again.


I'm not certain it changes the voice but I'm pretty sure it does. Try it and find out. And the new character continues on unless you change it again, but it doesn't change the character in games you've already saved.


BTW, the voice acting for the female species is way way better than the male. I don't think anyone who has heard both has disagreed yet. I don't think I could stand playing the whole game listening to that male Jaden. It just seems more natural to have a female Jaden, feeding into the rivarlry between Jaden and Rosh, the "Mulder and Scully" teamwork of Kyle and Jaden on some missions, and the confrontations between Jaden and Alora, and Jaden and the "final boss".


And I won't even plug my Human Female Jedi (Jaden) Skin Expansion Mod for those who want more choices for a Human Female Jaden, because that would be shameless advertising.

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to change the voice type "snd jaden_fmle" or "snd jaden_male" for the male


also i like male jaden better it fits my personal charicter better


btw if you load a saved game with your prev skin it will automaticly change back to that skin same thing with the voices

also i dont think the voice thing works in cutscenes you might want to try "sex male" "sex female" *enyone thinking of joking about this SHUT UP*

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