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Anyone who is having problems with Sony...


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Ok this isn't really a rant this is to let customers know their rights...First I sent a ticket in today asking for who was in charge of CSR's and then also asked for the numbers of their VP and president of SOE. All I got was a CSR who really didn't read the ticket and just posted someone's email. Not saying here contact this person with issues, no phone numbers what so ever. Now I know alot of you are fustrated with what is going on, feeling that we are being igored, and Wraith this isn't meant to be a bad post but I am a SWGer and honestly this is the only way we can get our concerns out since Jessa and Garva admins for SOE will auto delete the post there.


First email for people to contact pr@lucasarts.com and pr@soe.sony.com with complaints make sure tos end them the same thing so they know its' a problem and I really don't think Lucasarts really knows what is going on.


Now let's talk about the jedi system here, they put the jedi's in so that those same people who grinded, or autoit their way could sell their accounts on ebay for 100's of US dollars. Now Sony says we are doing something, and yet no one has paid for it.


Now I want to bring up another thing my wife did some homework today on Sony and Lucasarts with Better Business, Lucasarts has a clean slate no complaints but Sony on the other hand that you can see here...http://www.sandiego.bbb.org/commonreport.html?bureau=sandiego&compid=11000350&code= this is the url for the better business in San Diego some of you might think no big deal, but look at the complaints...Quality, Billing, and CSR's yes they might of been resolved but that's a high CSR thing coming from a Ex Walmart Customer Service Agent. Now we also know that Everquest 2 is coming out soon and from what PC gamer points out as sony is saying this is hoping we get our 1.6mil people back that quit Everquest 1. That's not very good odds in my book, Now im not saying SWG isn't a good game, I just feel it's in the hands of the wrong company. And I also feel that they are tarnishing the name of Star Wars, and Lucasarts as long as they hold the game.


What Im urging people is let Sony, and Lucasarts know our concerns with the game. Let them know we aren't happy (to those who are concerned with the state of the game) Let them know that when you post anything on SOE forums it's auto locked and deleted by their admins so they don't know the truth, they don't know how we are feeling. I just want to show everyone you have rights as customers and that is how you take your rights.


As I said this wasn't anyway intended to defame SOE I just feel they are the wrong company to make a Star Wars based game. A Universe I grew up in from 77 until now that they are destroying. This post wasn't intended to upset the moderators at no means, I just wanted to let people know your not alone, and who to contact for the help.

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Very good Invader you did your homework its an awsome post. I am also sick of how you can NEVER call someone since its online business and all you get is some stupid email address. SOE is a huge company mind you. And with a company that vast they can't make absolutely everything flawless but they do need to set up a 24 hr phone service. I called a company the other day with a question. On the website it reads. You can send your complaints to So and so at so and so .com or you can use the old fashion way and call. Old fashion? Try the efficient way.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Just dont post anything nasty about the game otherwise they slap you with a 70000 minute ban!



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Well as I said this isn't to defame SOE by no means, but alot of people out there playing are feeling they aren't being answered. I did a CSR ticket the other day asking for their supervisor and VP and president of SOE and just got one person's email address for all I know it could of been the CSR's email.


This post was for those concerned Customers, I may not like SOE but i do love LEC and that is who im concerned about in the long run :)

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Originally posted by ^Invader

Well as I said this isn't to defame SOE by no means, but alot of people out there playing are feeling they aren't being answered. I did a CSR ticket the other day asking for their supervisor and VP and president of SOE and just got one person's email address for all I know it could of been the CSR's email.


This post was for those concerned Customers, I may not like SOE but i do love LEC and that is who im concerned about in the long run :)


No, I understand what you're saying Invader, that was not a personal criticism of you or anyone else.

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my thing is Im worried about Lucasarts out of all of this...Sony it seems doesn't care less cause well face it they want us all to goto EQ2. Thing is personally I was in it for Star Wars, and like Dmuk said cause he got banned from the offical forums, my wife experssing her concerns get's her threads locked and deleted and then if she asks get's the cold shoulder :(

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Yeah, I guess Lucas went with SOE, because they have the largest hosting network. It can be expensive to build and maintain those networks, so I guess Lucas saw it as more cost feasible. However, Lucasarts should call Sony to task on many issues at hand or take their business elsewhere.

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