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Jedi Hunters PA?


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Haha since I have declared this the most jedi hating forum online would anyone be interested in this or delcaring their PA this? I am currently not in a PA and think it would be fun to hunt jedis. We could keep tabs on the ones we killed so we no how many lives these *pussies* have (Wraith that is meant in the cat term but has the double meaning feel free to edit it.) If there are any around or someone is interested gimme a PM or reply to this

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Im all for it Exar,this whole PA should consist of mostly Bounty Hunters and some other combatants to aid them.This should only consist of Bounty Hunters because this BH idea would be the only jedi hunting thing that would adhere to the SW genre.And these BHs would be like hired by others to kill the jedi ,I havent installed the game yet because my pc might not be able to take it ,the video card mostly ,but when I do ill tell everyone that its installed and what server Ill be on and my character name .This is all my own opinion if you want to make the PA yu dont have to use my idea ,its just to give ya some ideas.I love the jedi ,dont get me wrong ,they only should be hunted because there overpopulating SWG way too much and it changes the feel of the whole game or would change the feel in my case.Great idea try to implement as much as yu can ,sorry for the long post ,it just is a great idea and I had to tell you my comments on it .





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Yea that would be sweet, i would love to see Jedi's that think their so uber get killed!


I saw a jedi the other day, killed 11 dark troopers in 10 seconds, didnt lose any of his HAM at all, he had a TEF so i tried to kill him.....lets just say this guild has to be made up of strong fighters.

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i agree with gforce ,it will need very strong fighters indeed,especially bounty hunters.i thnk that bhs should be able to buy and craft assasination and gadgetry like weapons ,like jangos kaminoan saber dart and they should also be able to craft and buy their own special and modified armor that would make BHs seem more like bounty hunters ,each with their own unique form of hunting ,now that would be cool!!!!!

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Someone giveme info how to become a bounty hunter in less time as possible. I play 15 hours eweryday and i just bought the game now someone just give me what it reguires to be a bounty hunter and i will be one wery quickly and then i can help all you jedi hunters.

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