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Has Anyone Discovered God Mode Yet?


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Hi There,


I need to know is there any actual cheat for SW KOTOR for God mode?

I have tried searching the while net for God mode for all the party of the ebon hawk and I can't seem to find any God mode at all, can someone here please post the actual God mode cheat that actually works it would be a big start.


I have beaten the game many times on the non-god mode because I am not sure if there is a god mode. I would appreiate some help please as I woud like to be invinible (and can't die) through the while game for a change and would like to try it out to the finish.


Also can I get a cheat to put all my party in God mode too through the while game?


Thanks for your help.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go to http://www.xbox-saves.com and enter the new uploads section. The last page of the new uploads has two KOTOR game save files that add new items and alter the stats on other items. It is no god mode, but it is the next best thing.


Try the shields that change your character model to Darth Brandon, Yuthura Ban, Mandalorian Captain, or Ajunta Pall. The Revan robe is cool also.


I should point out that you will need some means of transferring a game save from your computer to the Xbox. You can buy Action Replay at Toys R Us. Action Replay has an 8 MB memory card and a USB adapter cable so you can load game saves to and from the memory card and your PC.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i do know one way to get god mode but its a trainer and u would need 2 things

1)a modded xbox

2)the usa version of the game #no pal trainer yet!#


i know for a fact that xbox cheats for kotor dont exist but some one has a mod for inf force and health well thats all i know about god mode


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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by DARK JEDI #672

i do know one way to get god mode but its a trainer and u would need 2 things

1)a modded xbox

2)the usa version of the game #no pal trainer yet!#


i know for a fact that xbox cheats for kotor dont exist but some one has a mod for inf force and health well thats all i know about god mode


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