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I've just been thinking that updates need not necessarily more content but more stuff (items, weps, armor ect). With the exception of revamps to the professions and such there is nothing else. There have been the same weapons and armor have been the same forever. They need to make quests or expeditions to get different quest armor and items and such. It may sound kinda wierd but does anyone know what I'm talking about? Oh and what about scheduled in game events. For instance on august 9 the rebels will be making an assualt on Bestine. And what I'm talking aobut is there will be an NPC army or battalion marching to Bestine and the Imp troops at Bestine will be fortified for a battle. But since its Announced player characters can join in on either side.

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There are always a lot of ST in bestine wandering around so any Rebel batallion can go anytime :p


And for the weapons they have been trying to update that, all the DWB weapons are pretty nice, pistoleer trying to get a DE-10 or a geo pistol, TKA a DWB VK, the heave swordman a DW axe, the riflemen a berserker rifle and all of that.


For the schedules there are tons of people on each server that try to organize something good I've seen a faction war between bestine and AH time ago and it was nice

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Guest DarthMaulUK

In order to do this, SOE need a creative team and so far, they really have failed in every aspect of the game. Too many things are wrong leading to so many revamps.


Its a year old now (= to millions of $) and now they are finally adding new stuff...but its taking far too long.



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They don't have to revamp anything and then people will have something else to complain about. At least they are fixing the issues, maybe not to the satisfaction of some people in terms of time, but then, if people were not prepared to wait a bit, they should not have gone into an MMORPG. From what I have heard from veteran players, the game is far better than it was when it first launched a year ago. That is just my view of the situation.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I played the game for 6 months last year. Server times have improved, stability in some areas are better but the game is more or less the same - lack of content.


If people are happy throwing their money into a game that is the same day in, day out, so be it but theres many games out there that do a better job and dont require a monthly fee.


However, JTL MUST impress as competition really hots up in the online gaming world with Blizzard bringing Warcraft, Codemasters launching their online game and another, whose name escapes me.... but the most important feature from these new online games - it doesnt have SOE on the label.


As for the revamps - Galaxies has been in development 3 years and it shows how wrong they got it from the start. With JTL just a few months away, they will be beta testing in August/September - a month before launch....proves it all really, rush rush rush


On a positive side, community is still strong but you gotta think..is that worth $14 a month?



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

As for the revamps - Galaxies has been in development 3 years and it shows how wrong they got it from the start. With JTL just a few months away, they will be beta testing in August/September - a month before launch....proves it all really, rush rush rush


On a positive side, community is still strong but you gotta think..is that worth $14 a month?



Well, as we all know, well, the oldest of us anyway, Initial Launch was pushed back time and again, up to almost a whole year in the end. Same could happen with JTL. :)


Also, SWG was a new thing, with new ideas. Noone really knew if it would work for sure, but they kept optimistic.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

i dont think JTL will be pushed back. Galaxies needs it but it also needs it to be good. Its going to be VERY interesting in the Autumn/fall of this year


Roll on the Q&A because ive also asked some tough questions! hehe



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Well, I'm not as jaded as some because this is my first MMORPG. The way I've always looked at it, all games have their issues. Now, maybe I'm not seeing as much as others here, because I'm still new. You can find many complaints about MMORPGs not having enough content, be it the seemingly eternal Everquest, Planetside or the current flavor of the month MMORPG, City of Heroes. I don't believe Lucasarts started this to fail, and I do believe this game will improve. That's just me. Call me an optimist, gullible, unrealistic. :-)


As far as SOE, I'm thinking Lucasarts chose them as the host because they are the largest online hosting service. Is it worth $14.00 a month? I'llleave that up to the respective player. :D

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I'm sorry that I keep bringing everything back to Asheron's Call but its one of THE greatest MMO's content wise. AC had monthly updates with items added pretty much every patch. New quests new storyline that added to the game. Along with that they fixed any problems but the entire patch wasn't one big hotfix. Now Devil was talking about weapons being added but they are going to add them and that will be it. I'm not so much talking about crafted weapons and items as I am with questing items. Take BH armor for instance. Thats exactly what Im talking about.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

With so much Star Wars content out there from books, movies etc, there really is no excuse. The Cries Of Alderaan was weak and stopped for whatever reason.


The Galaxies team MUST get out of these stupid 'run to point A - kill some fool standing in the middle of no where...run back to point B, repeat over and over and over x20'


From what im hearing JTL will improve on this - only this time, the fool in the middle of no where will be in space! hehe :D My account is running out and I dont intend to renew at this time because the game hasnt changed, even if some of those major bugs have been fixed - which shouldnt have been there in the first place



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So the big fix is that I have to now buy a million credit ship fly to the middle of nowhere while it decays and then fly back for 20k in credits! THATS GREAT OH I AM JUMPING FOR JOY OF HOW EXCITING THAT WILL BE (note the obvious sarcasm). How about this for a mission/quest. You must travel to the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 and seek out the spirit of Exar Kun within the walls of a hidden room. Once you find Kun you will talk to him and he will tell you of a dark story of how he abandoned Master Bossk and then turned to Freedon Nadd. After giving you a little Star Wars lore to go along with He tells you where you can find the force crystals that he used for his very own sabre. (the reason you want his crystals is b/c he was able to make the blade shorter and longer at his will tricking his opponents into blocking extremely long blade while he lengthened the other end thru their skull) . You would have to find these crystals, you would then return to Kun and he would tell you where you could find the Sabre body for the crystals. In the end you would have yourself a constructed sith sabre (wieldable only by those who are dark force masters) But for all others you have an exteremly rare quest item which you can sell to others for millions Lol

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Ok so it would have some bonus to lightsabre resistance or something of that matter while in your inventory. Point being that in AC and such there would be detailed quests like this all the time and it would just be one over month they would throw out a couple for high lvl content and for quest items that give you some sort of benefit no matter what lvl.

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