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PA fighting...


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Could someone explain to me how these work? The leaders of each PA declare enemies or something around that nature? And is it permanant pvp between each PA? I'm interested b/c of the post in OT that Deft and Jan were having about how they had raids from opposing PA's. Now I could be completely wrong and it is all GCW based but .....

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Normally, any overt of oposing sides can attack eachother whenever they want. As soon as they go covert, the only time where you will be open for attack is if you get a TEF (Temporary Enemy Flag).


When it comes to PA wars, each PA involved has to declear war on eachother in order to attack without the need of concent from the other person. It works pretty much the same way as if it was overt Imperials against overt rebels. As long as the war is on every member in both (or more) PA's are open for attack 24/7, until one PA turns off the war. You can of course set rules though as not every member may want to participate in the PA war. But it requires both parties to agree on it and make their members follow it.


You can also set up rules like, only in this and this area you are allowed to do combat, or between that and that time during a day, etc.....

But there are no game mechanics for it.

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