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Not really a newbie, but...

Guest Vark111

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Guest Vark111

I *am* new to this community. I've played every SW-related space sim at least several times. Going through XWA one more time right now, and decided to check out if there were any add-ons and/or new missions. I come from a flight sim community where where user created add-ons are a dime a dozen. From checking around at some of the postings here I've seen some intriguing things... Can anyone give me a short list of must-have tools/add-ons/missions/campaigns ? It would be most appreciated. I'm particularly interested in this NCA I keep hearing about and a rumored XWA Update project? Thanks for any help!




Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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Guest TK421

Vark111, of Varklib?


If so then greetings my talented friend, FA Varlib was the best damn non-StarWars addon I've ever played. Good to see you joining the XWA community.


Here are some links to some of the great XWA pages out there, apologies to those I missed smile.gif


Steele Aerospace (awesome new non-SW Ships) http://www.michaelboewes.de/xwing


Talon's XWA Starbase (Excellent new battles!) http://members.home.net/gototalon


SFA Technologies (creators of the great NCA) http://www.the-sfa.org/SFATech/


The Code-Alliance (pioneers in XWA editing, and some great tools and guides to editing) http://www.code-alliance.com/


The XWA Upgrade Project (just go there!!) http://www.xwaupgrade.cjb.net/


Troy Dangerfield's AlliED (THE XWA Mission Creator) http://www.picknowl.com.au/homepages/troyd/


Demon's XvT Page (BinHexEdit - great XWA editing tools) http://www.cyberramp.net/~djsouza/dzone/xvt/


Unfortunately one of the greatest sites ever has shut down, Datamaster's.


By the way, I was creator of one of the lesser-known LIBs, SPUDLIB for USNF/ATF/FA



"Awwgh, Yoda, you seek Yoda!"

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Guest Vark111

Originally posted by TK421:

Vark111, of Varklib?


If so then greetings my talented friend, FA Varlib was the best damn non-StarWars addon I've ever played. Good to see you joining the XWA community.


Yep. The one and the same. Thanks for the compliments. And also thanks (to you and Kyp)for the links.



Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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Guest Crayon_Assassin007

Sweet TK421 but...

I tried to download the Battlestar Galactica Fighter. I forgot the name but its NOT Cylon.

Yeah, the one that looks like an Xwing but with no "X" wings. hehe -don't if that actually helps...

It downloaded fine but my winzip doesn't KNOW its an actual zip file. It has the zip icon n' stuff, its just that I can't Extract or open it for some reason - gives error try it again thing. I did. Still same result. And I did visit the Creator of the BSG fighter but I couldn't find that ship on his page. (i found the BIG BSG Mothership though with ease)

Are there any pages similiar to this one WITH the Battlestar Galactica Fighter?




hey, thats mine!


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Guest Vark111

Originally posted by Crayon_Assassin007:

Sweet TK421 but...

I tried to download the Battlestar Galactica Fighter. I forgot the name but its NOT Cylon.

Yeah, the one that looks like an Xwing but with no "X" wings. hehe -don't if that actually helps...


That would be the Colonial Viper. I watched that series when it first came out. biggrin.gif



::Vark suddenly realizes that he has dated himself and runs from the room with his hands covering his face::



Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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Guest TK421

Originally posted by Crayon_Assassin007:

Sweet TK421 but...

I tried to download the Battlestar Galactica Fighter. I forgot the name but its NOT Cylon.

Yeah, the one that looks like an Xwing but with no "X" wings. hehe -don't if that actually helps...


Which site did you download from? Andy Kroell created the BSG, but I think the new Viper is one of Steele's. I just downloaded from Steele's site (almost right at the bottom of the OPTs page), and the file worked fine. You are downloading the XWA version right? Just try downloading again.


Vark, hey that sure was one terrific show for it's time, actually I think its still quite good.


* GASP *

* realising he just dated himself as badly as Vark, TK runs from the room with his hands covering his face *

* but smacks into the door frame and slumps to the floor unconcious *



"Peace through superior firepower"

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Guest Crayon_Assassin007

Originally posted by TK421:

Which site did you download from? Andy Kroell created the BSG, but I think the new Viper is one of Steele's. I just downloaded from Steele's site (almost right at the bottom of the OPTs page), and the file worked fine. You are downloading the XWA version right? Just try downloading again.



I used Steele's site...

Nope, still Not working. i tried it a couple times. I'm getting a *Not Valid file Archive - Please download the file again* Error. I have winzip 7.0, although I Never had a problem with it. Is the XWA version zip file 232kb?






hey, thats mine!


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Guest TK421

Originally posted by Crayon_Assassin007:

I used Steele's site...

Nope, still Not working. i tried it a couple times. I'm getting a *Not Valid file Archive - Please download the file again* Error. I have winzip 7.0, although I Never had a problem with it. Is the XWA version zip file 232kb?


No, my file shows as 317kb - maybe your donwload is cutting out before it's done?

I could send the file by email, I know my copy works.



"Peace through superior firepower"

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Guest Crayon_Assassin007

I'd appreciate it tk421. thanks




hey, thats mine!


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