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Comapare XWA fighters, to Earth Fighters


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Guest TK421

Originally posted by RDean:

As for the numerous comparisons with the F-22, nothing in xwa compares to the F-22. In fact, the F-22 is so far ahead of everyhting else in the air that it will give the U.S. an advantage in air superiority that is simply unheard of. Fast, Long Range, Superior Avionics, and don't forget stealth. I guess the closest comparison in xwa is the millineum falcon on invincible mode. smile.gif


You're comparing the that flying collection of spareparts (aka The Millenium Faclon) to the F-22? Good ol' 'I'm here, kill me' falcon?


I think the TIE Defender is a little closer. It's the fastest and most agile ship in the game, it's lethaly armed, it's state-of-the-art, it's rare and it's expensive. As for stealth, well that doesnt really play a part in XWA but since the T/D can take a Decoy beam it has that aspect covered too.


The only reason the T/D is easy to whip in XWA is because it's using AI, and usually mediocre AI at that.



"Peace through superior firepower"

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Guest Rock_Lead

E/S:Hmm...lessee...A-10 Why? POWER! Lotsa guns!




If you can`t make peace with it, blow it up.

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Guest Forceflow

Mhm, somebody got a little overly excited with the F-22 here... sure, it'a a really good and powerful craft, but it's STEALTH that keeps the pilot alife, it propably wont survive a dog-fight against the Su-37. It really can't be compared to anything, as for the T/D, I'd more compare it to the Su-35, very well armed though not as quite maneuverable as it could get. (The T/D has a good, but not the best, maneuvering rate)



The home for the fighters!

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Guest Rogue 13

Has anyone played F-22 Lightning 3? i don't know how close it is to real but in F-22 the only jet i have to worry about in a close dogfight is the Su-37(I think thats the right number) unless i get em with AMRAAMS i don't have a chance. The F-22 can out fight anything else in the game exept the MiG-31.

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uh, actually the F-22 was designed to never HAVE to go into a dogfight, working in pairs, and having one looker in back, and one shooter in front, the F-22 should be able to tak e out any forgin aircraft befroe it even realizes it is being shot.

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Yeah, the F-22 is supposed to be able to launch missiles at stuff from long range without it's own radar on, while being guided by J-STARS or a satellite or something. That way the MiG or whatever can't see it at all.



I screwed up the only thing that really mattered to me.

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Guest Rogue 13

Ah. that would be why i can dogfight better in an A-10 then a F-22

(those Antirunways work really well on MiG-29)

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