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I need major help for Realistic Effects Mod Version 2.0.


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O.K., for Realistic Effects Mod Version 2.0, I need some help, and I have a few problems.



Here they are:


[*]I'm changed the effect for the Bryar Pistol/DL-44 Pistol to be red when it does alternate fire charge up...yet, in game, it is still yellow.

[*]Another problem appeared like this...I tried to make the primary charge up on the Wookiee Bowcaster turn red, yet it is still green...

[*]I want to make the Disruptor Rifle shoot normal laser blasts, like the Blaster Rifle does. How do I make it do this?!?! I want it to have a scope, but not shoot a continuing laser line. I just want bursts like the Blaster Rifle has.




That is it, please help me!! Many people are waiting for this, and many are waiting to beta test it. I'd really like to know how to fix these things.


Thank you.



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Originally posted by TK-8252

I got the blaster pistol and bowcaster charges to be red in SWR. Feel free to use SWR's red charge effects, I don't mind. :)


But for those sniper rifle changes, you'd need a coder.



Thanx...but, I'm an idiot (everyone knows...). I figured out how to fix the blaster shot problems...and yesterday...two days after releasing this mod...I figured out how to edit shaders.


Heh, thanx anyways!!



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