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First of all, welcome to LucasForums...


Now, this is the wrong forum to post your request, this is the Forum Help & Feedback Center for actual question concerning the forum itself.


I assume you want to make skins for Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy. If so, follow this link, you'll find lots of information concerning skinning as well as experienced members to help you.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

Coupes can't you move the thread?:indif:


No, mods can only move threads in areas which they have control over.


Uh... skinning... couldn't find a tutorial. So basically, you open a pk3 file with a program called PakScape. Then, you edit the JPEG files (or whatever format they are in) in a painting program. Then save them, put them in the pk3, save, and you got a skin. ;)

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