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Hi, I am new and love the game except for one thing. Lag.


Sorry, is it just me? Ahazi server - an inocuous Tuesday night (GMT) nice ping at 207m/s (not bad for US server in UK) and I am getting an fps reading of ONE!


Everytime I enter a major starport my fps drops to one and the game becomes totally unplayable. Is anyone else getting this?


My PC is not super fast but it is capable (512RAM, Radeon 9000 128mb GFX and 2000+ AMD), I have not had problems on any other games. Whats going on?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Theres alot of posts about Lag in Galaxies. Its not your PC - its the game.


I noticed compared to last year that the lag increased so much in some areas - example - when exiting the cloning centre on Anchorhead, when the door opens, and you turn to exit - the amount of lag and frame rate drop used to some times crash the game.


This was on the Servers that are in Holland. It was bad, but not that bad when i was on Eclipse



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, but you forget one thing:


Not as heavy to draw as the ground game. There's no ground, there are no trees, there's barely a sky, and for the most of the time it stands still. There's just empty space, pretty much. :)


So it should lag less for those reasons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, starting like 3 days ago on Sunrunner, when I'd go to get a buff or something in MO (Mining Outpost) on Dantooine my fps would drop to 1 and it would be difficult to even type, nevermind navigate. I don't know what the deal is, but for the year I've played it, its never done that.

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