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Please help !

Guest Iax

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Guest Vark111

It's been a long time since I heard about those... I do believe however that they are fabrications... Falsifications... An easier way of saying it would be "They don't exist".


The only 'cheats' in the game are the ones you can get to when you hit the ESC key and get that pop-up menu screen. AFAIK



Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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Guest Rock_Lead

Sorry if this is blunt but:




Rock_Lead on the warpath

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Guest Kyp Durron

Whenever someone tells you to type IMACHEATER to activate a cheat for something, as soon as you turn around they do this rolleyes.gif . Get a clue!

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Guest Vark111

Hehehe, that's like the old 'Lara Croft Nude Code' that was like 300+ characters long. LOL. Some poor fool would come into an NG and say "But I tried it like 5 times in a row!!!" And one of the reg's would just chime in with 'You must've mistyped one character'. biggrin.gif



Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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actually i have found a cheat, itf you open up the options screen, ans type in tless than 10 seconds, "IHAVENOLIFEANDNEEDGETMYHEADOUTOFMYASS"

you will have a special mission screen pop up with the option of flying all ofthe missions in the Millenium falcon, and Unlimited ammo, and you will also have the Death Star Gun installed.

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Guest TK421

I tried that one Kinnison! I thought the IMALOSERWHOCANTWINWITHOUTCHEATING code, was better since it let's you fly the SSD around like an A-Wing. But it's hard to type it in because you have to do it with your eyes closed (otherwise the magic pixies won't enable the cheat).


Hey, Iax I have a bridge for sale, interested? wink.gif




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Guest Fondas

Guys, Guys... rolleyes.gif


The young padawan is just looking for help . He is not familiar with our insanity wink.gif so he could easily mistake your jokes as hostile behaviour. smile.gif


Iax, there are no cheat codes that you can type in XWA. Stick around here, preferably at "Player Strategy" section, post your questions about missions you have difficulties with and you'll have no problem beating the game. smile.gif




The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7




[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited May 13, 2000).]

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Guest TK421

The great sith Fondas is correct.


sorry Iax but hanging around here you can see the post's can get pretty nutty.


T'was all in good jest my Padawan friend.

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Guest Fondas

K_K, since you are the best instructor we've got, your new assignment will be to take the young padawan into the combat sim and I expect you to deliver him as an ace ! Dismissed ! wink.gif



The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7




[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited May 13, 2000).]

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Guest garyah99

It doesn't help matters when so-called "professional" reviewers post on their websites this very lie! Gamespot.com has posted in their review section of XWA that these cheats eist and it of course causes confusion. I've E-Mailed ZDnet about this error but they don't seem to care mad.gif



Every time I think I've found the end of the rainbow...I trip over it.

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

Lamer, huh!

If you wanna get all awards play in EASY mode - you can destroy almost everything and get most of bonus score...

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Guest Cloud

Why do you guys always pick on newbies!? Do you think that everybody who just got the game or so and played it know immediately there is no code?! I was fooled once by some website with a cheat code for XWA too you know!

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Guest Fondas

Cloud, I hope you don't mind me deleting your double post. Note you can do this any time by clicking on the "Edit/Delete message" icon and then clicking the "delete" check box.


As for your question, I belive that I already have answered it.



The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7



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Guest Kokeeno IOS

To Cloud: why do you assume that newbies should use cheats - there's similar problem with some Diablo 'players'...

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Guest Cloud

Fondas, when did you answer that post? Also thanks for deleting that double post althought I didn't knew I did one. Also, I'm not saying that every newbie cheat. It's just that, when someone ask a simple question like if this game has a code or something. Some of the people just starts shouting at them. I thank Fondas for not shouting, but instead just tell the people that there are not cheats.

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Guest Cloud

Fondas, when did you answer that post? Also thanks for deleting that double post althought I didn't knew I did one. Also, I'm not saying that every newbie cheat. It's just that, when someone ask a simple question like if this game has a code or something. Some of the people just starts shouting at them. I congratulate Fondas for not shouting, but instead just tell the people that there are not cheats.

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Guest Fondas

No, he probably has some problems with his connection or his browser.


Cloud my point in my first post was that we shouldn't come hard on new members, even if we intend to be funny.




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Guest Hans The Great

Don't blame Iax too much, I did'nt know that there was a cheat mode (invincibility setting) in X-Wing until a week after I started playing the game. That'll teach me to read the manual first next time!

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Guest TK421

Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

Did someone say they have a bridge for sale?


Yes that's right ladies and gentlemen, for the low low price of $64,000,000 you can own you very own rope bridge! Our deluxe model comes with fully twisted natural fibre rope (no artifical goods here folks!), automated built-in wind-sway feature, fully tested lifetime guarantee to resist rust and 2nd generation wobble control. And if you buy now we even throw in the new sports pack which adds a 2nd guide rope, actual knots at to hold the bridge together and a little toll booth so you can make money on your investment right away![/i]

<font size=1>rust experiments were conducted under controlled conditions where no rust-inducing elements were present, results may vary</font>.




Hiya fellas, I've been very busy lately so not many posts from the nutty TK.



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