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Having a hard time installing CoMI


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I`m experiencing some difficulty playing curse of monkey island,

i cant even start it. When i start installing the piece of crap, a warning comes up and says

"Unable to create key:\SOFTWARE\LucasArts Entertainment Company\Curse of Monkey island\v1.0",


I continue to install it but after when i click on the game icon, the same window as before pops up, and the only thing i could do is to install it again,install direct x, wiev troubleshooting guide and exit to windovs. Its like i havent even installed it! I have two computers with winXP and 2ooo running on them and it works on neither of them, diskspace is no problem `couse i have a 100 gig harddrive thats almost empty, and direct X 9.


I`ve also tried running it trough scummvm and Scummvm Q&E but that doesnt help.


I have a compac computer with geforce 5990 ultra and 1024 mb ram


What shall i do?



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