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A Monkey Island Fan Film?


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Hello there, just joined the group and am so glad to find other people have a disturbing fascination with this old game! I love Monkey Island! Best game I ever played right next to Sam 'n' Max.


Now a thought crossed my mind, what would people say to a Monkey Island fan film? Featuring the main characters and an excessive use of Murray (he's so funny) but the only problem I'm having with is the story line.


A general storyline with LeChuck being revealed at the end had been considered but I always think LeChuck should be played in such a way that a villain from a pantomine is done, he is seen from the very beginning. An idea to have an ex-girlfriend of LeChuck's turn up and cause trouble while he is trying to kidnap Elaine - again. A Time Ship idea even cropped up, an idea I am favouring personally, which LeChuck uses some old voodoo thing for or something.


So any ideas? comments? suggestions? volunteers?

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I currently have about 15 reasons in my head why you shouldn't even attempt this (and this was before I even read the post), but hey, if you want to, go for it, it would be nice tyo see if someones attempt was half well done.


Oh, and welcome.

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At the moment its just a few ideas being thrown about, I think its save to say I'm going to stay with making costumes for both Guybrush and LeChuck considering they will be my main characters.


Also I will get a decent script going.


Its been suggested to adapt one of the original games, but I feel a limitation with that, unless I got the storyline and wrote my own version rather than copying the game word for word.

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i have also thought about making a fan film of MI, but without any sort of budget i cant help but feel that its an instant lost cause, but i am interested to see how you'd tackle it :)


also, as for the script i don't see why u dont take the script from MI and modify it. you obviously can't have guybrush finding an old pot then going to the circus and using it as a helmet, or most of the other puzzles but u can incorporate things like that into it.

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