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Mono needs a helping hand to test a mod!


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Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone would happen to have a gamesave pretty close to the 2nd fight with Calo (Where he dies) but it must be before! I would use globals but I'm too inept. :p Well if anyone has a save, if you could send it to:


Please do not post your email.


:p only joking Prime^, I would never put my email in a public post! PM me if you would like to help.


Well then, I'm off to the movies, and I'll check back with you all later!

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I Would gladly help........my only problem is i've JUST deleted all my save-games becoz of my mods not being updated so im just trying to get them to work now (i made some custom items, thats what im testing.


DUDE, you have helped me above and beyond the call of help :p and i will GLADLY return the Favor, just ask and i'll be there for ya bud.



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First off, thanks Achilles!


Second, I'm having trouble with heavy blaster textures. Textures are usually a breeze for me, but for some reason I can't get the model to cooperate. I've tried modelvar, hex editing the model, nothing works, it still uses the default skin. Any help would be great.

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

First off, thanks Achilles!


Second, I'm having trouble with heavy blaster textures. Textures are usually a breeze for me, but for some reason I can't get the model to cooperate. I've tried modelvar, hex editing the model, nothing works, it still uses the default skin. Any help would be great.


Are you replacing current ones or creating new ones? I found with my Mendah mod that I had to create a new line in Appearance, hex edit the model, and then apply the new texture in order for it to work *shrug*


BTW: You're welcome! :D

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Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

Yeah, I didn't do anything with Appearance, that may be why, but how do you use Appearance with weapons?


Err...I don't think that you do. I kinda realized that after I posted and I went to work on a weapon mod that I'm working on *ahem*


Sorry about that *sheepish*

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Hmm.... anyone else have experience in making new Heavy Blaster textures? It's odd how they don't work with a simple modelvar change like most nonjedi weapons. :D I'm gonna look into it, I'll post back if I figure something out, with how to do it exactly, incase anyone else is confused about the same thing.


BTW Achilles I got your email, I should at least check to make sure the items are attainable now.

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I figured it out, pistol works great! Submitting to pcgamemods!


BTW, these pistols are a bit more powerful than Calo's originals, so in some areas he may only use one pistol! So, yeah, hope you all enjoy!


All information will be there.


Edit: May not have time tonight folks, I'll go for it tomorrow if not.


Gonna do it tomorrow, I need sleep, and it won't let me upload.

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