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Evidence of any faction on any map

Revlt Coranier

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In answer to Dragnarr, In Galactic Conquest mode you just don't go to the planets if they are era specific. Well thats what it was when I left as far as I can remember. I never really used to play the Galactic conquest while working on it as I never really needed to so I might be wrong.


In regards to the question about Imperials on Naboo and Clones on Yavin.


Whats to say the Imperials never had a stronghold on Naboo and tried to take control of that planet at some point along the timeline. We have just embelished on what's there.


Clones on Yavin is already established. If you watched the Clone Wars cartoon on Cartoon Network, Anakin and a squad of troops had a huge fight with Asaj Ventress amongst the ruins and jungles of the planet so we just took it a little further. One of the Yavin levels is actually loosly based on those very ruins that Anakin fights in.

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How are my posts foolish? If you don't like to play Stormtrooper on Geonosis that's fine, don't, but why should you limit the options for other players? For me if I want to challenge an Imperial clan and I want to play Republic should we just forget the game because "it isn't historically correct". And as there will be many clans in this, it's important to please all the players alike, you could probably limit the servers so they only have "accurate" battles, but why not more options?

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I am very sure they will NOT include cross faction play in the default value of the game. They're concerned about balancing, they got a deadline coming up...why do more stuff that would ruin their first balancing system and would be incredibly hard to balance? Each faction has special vehicles and the units are somewhat built to that, as are the other vehicles


However they said the game would be easily moddable and a mod to allow this cross faction play shouldn't be hard at all to make

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