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How are the teams going to work on ps2 online


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I know that online ps2 has a maximum off 64 ppl on one map at a time so thats 24 bots per side and 8 real people per side so thats 32 ppl per side, but does any1 know if there will be a lobby before the game like in socom 2 where you could choose your side or will it be more like Medal of Honor Rising Sun where the ps2 chooses what side to put you on when you join.

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I think such a high number of bots would be great, but I'm a bit skeptical that the consoles could handle it. That would mean your PS2 was processing all the graphics for you, plus all the AI for the bots, plus all the netcode for the 16 players. That's a lot of number-crunching. It would be really cool, but I'm not sure it could do it.

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